Route maps of UP in the 1950's?

Hi all,

I am modelling UP in the 1950’s. I have route maps for the 1990’s but I would like to know more about the trackage in the 1950’s. Also useful would be to know what lines were single track or double track.

Many thanks, Ryan in South Africa

In the 1950’s the UP was the lines from Omaha and Fremont, NE west to Granger, WY. Then the lines from Granger to Portland, OR, and then Seattle, WA. Also from Granger to Ogden to Salt Lake City and to LA. From Cheyenne the UP ran south to Denver and then from Denver to Kansas City. From Gibbon Jct (between N Platte and Omaha) theUP ran through Marysville to Kansas City.

Double track ran from Omaha/Fremont to Granger.

Dave H.

If you go to they have sattelite phots and USGS maps of most of the country. The photos are typically from 1980 to the present but the USGS maps are very outdated in regard to railroad tracks. I don’t think they have been changed since the 50’s based on the corridor maps around Philadelphia. They are fairly accurate regarding mainlines and branches but lacking siding detail.

Thanks Dave H. Your description has helped me to visualise the arrangement.

This post is obviously related to my other one about “union” stations. So I am realising that what I really want is a map of the US showing the major class 1’s and how they interact with oneanother. Are you aware of any books like this?

Thanks, Ryan


A must for anyone modeling the UP is a book titled The Overland Route, published by Carstens. Go to for ordering information. It not only has a system map but a wealth of photos and other useful information about the UP during the steam-to-diesel transition period. At $12.95, it is a steal.
