The president is activating both reservists and civilian volunteers to help in hurrican recoveries. He appears to be guaranteeing them their jobs when finished helping in PR, Florida, and other SE states as needed. I can here the RRs screaming if that result even a minor loss of personnel. You might say what a way to get revenge,
Did he preface the comment with “read my lips”? [:o)][:o)]
In what way does the President appear to be guaranteeing the volunteers their jobs back when they are finished volunteering?
Military reservists are protected undr the law.
"Enacted in 1994 and then updated and improved in both 1996 and 1998, the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act protects your civilian job if you are called to Active Duty. With the USERRA law, if you have to leave civilian sector work on a call to active duty then when you get home from active duty your civilian job has to be made available to you.
You are entitled to seniority that you would have built up had you been at the civilian job as well. The USERRA applies to all employers, including state and local governments, private employers, the Federal Government, and to all civilian employers in general."
Relatively minor in the grand scheme of things, but is there any word on the condition of the Seminole Gulf?
It might seem surprising it was such a recent thing, since it seems to be common sense. There was a similar law protecting National Guard / Reserve going back to early part of the 20th century, but it was ended in the 1980s by the then-current administration, and had to be reinstituted in the 1990s.
Many bridges washed away.