Is there a way to save google map images as a picture file to be viewed later, like a .jpeg or .bmp image? Google maps is a great research tool for modeling.
you can always save/bookmark a link to exactly what your seeing on google maps by clicking the link icon on the information sidebar on the left. The link icon is to the right of the printer icon which is in the same row as the get directions icon. The link icon brings up another information window that includes the URL, and an html <iframe tag. you’ll want to copy the URL into a new browser window/tab and bookmark that.
on the other hand, i don’t know how to get a jpg. But you can always print the bookmark page with the map or satellite image.
I use the “PRINT SCREEN” key. This copies the screen to the clipboard. Then I paste the screen view into a photo editing program and save it.
I use GoogleEarth a lot for satellite views AND street level views. Requires downkoading a program which takes a while but is FREE. GoogleEarth does allow you to save satellite images directly as jpegs, AND also can access “historical imagery,” ie. old aerial photos of same area.
I’m using Windows Vista and in the programs menu under Accessories there is a ‘snipping tool’ which is basically a form of the ‘print screen’ thingy. You can bring up the map, or anything else for that matter, then go get the snipping tool, draw a border around just the area you want, then go to file>save as and select the type of file you want, which includes jpegs, gifs .png and another I forget right now.