I’m glad to see MR finally woke up and decided to put the Schedule of Events column back in MR. I was so glad that I actually bought the November issue after my months long boycot of the magazine. It was kind of a surprise to read the fine print when I got home that it now costs 25 dollars US to run an ad for an up coming show that was once free. MR told me and I’m sure other people that the column was removed because they wanted to include more articles in the mag. Thats a bunch of crap, all they wanted was money all along. I’m very disappointed that MR would take money from small town shows when the clubs support them by buying their magazines. Charge National shows if you want to, they can afford it but little shows that only see a few thousand people can’t. Thanks for putting the column back in but shame on you all for lieing about the reason it was removed and then charging clubs for the use of it. [:(!]