After installing the doors I decided to go ahead and raise the building so now it’s starting to look like something [;)]
This is my paper cutter. It’s reasonably accurate but I still need to measure and draw the lines before I cut to make sure the blade actually goes in a straight line.
Another one of my favorite tools is a glue runner. It has a strip inside that drops little dots on the paper and makes large area laminations fast and easy.
Plotting the bay window.
Looking at the prototype photo, you’ll see that the bay window wall extends all the way to the roof on the end of the depot, but has a flat roof on the side that faces the track.
Since I’m not too great at the math, how do I calculate the length of a wall section that’s protruding at a 45 degree angle away from the wall to a point that’s at a lower height than the end that connects to the flat wall?
Well I THINK I got it [^o)]
Sure looks to me like you got it.
You get the width of the sides of the bay windows for the bay windows from the top view, and the height of the edges of the bay windows from the side view of the end of the building.
Looks great! Going to be cedar shingles?
I think I’m going to go with green rolled roofing. I’ll do some experiments but I read about using masking tape as the roofing material and I’m going to give it a try on scrap. The masking tape I have leaves a lot to be desired so I’m not sure if it will even stick permanently let alone take the paint.
Basically I’m using a modified Nickel Plate paint scheme with a darker gray than what is considered “true NKP practice”. At least compared to what I’ve seen in the NKPHTS Modeller’s Notebook issues I downloaded from
Notice the buckling of the tape after painting. Hopefully it will be easy to flatten when it’s dry.
Oh wow, I love the way that’s coming together!
I’ve been wanting to make detailed near scale structures from scratch for years. The Christmas layouts were fun while the Thai layout was a tribute piece, and of course Disneyland was totally unique. But down in the basement I wanted to finish a Cleveland oriented layout. It would have been pretty cool with the point of view being geared towards a seated person and they would be looking up at big bridges as though they were on a ship on the Cuyahoga River.
Right now I’m mostly interested in just focusing on a single location. I’ve discovered over the years that the photos I’ve seen of small junctions and interchanges in more bucolic settings speak to me about railroading just as much if not more than big yards and terminals. So, a quiet junction somewhere along the main line is what I decided will be the theme of the new layout.
Gutter or ice dam?
I don’t see any signs of downspouts in the prototype photo so I’m guessing this depot only had this device to stop snow and ice from avalanching on the passengers. But it seems also to have characteristics of an eaves trough, namely an end cap.
Any thoughts on how to model this thing?
Maybe a metal ice dam/snow stop - kind of like an upside down rain gutter. The shape of it looks like rain runofffrom the roof would flow over it but it would discourage snow from sliding off? The ends are capped to exclude birds and other critters?
Do you have a location for the station in your picture?
Latty, Paulding county, Ohio. Definitely an area that sees plenty of snow and ice.
I concur with 8ntruck it’s got to be a block to keep snow and ice from sliding off the roof.
If it was short and over a doorway I’d say it was a rain diverter, I’ve seen new houses like built like that instead of gutters.
I did some Googling and turned up a couple pictures of that depot th a showed that feature both on the track side and street side. It appeared to run the length of the building stopping maybe 3 feet from each edge of the roof.
One was picture was dated 1950.
Besides the photo I linked in my first post, I’ve seen this one that’s a bit on the dark side:
And this one that’s also a bit dark in the Arcadia Publishing book “Railroad Depots of Northwest Ohio” by Mark J. Camp.
It almost looks like a section of rail flange in the one with the boy with his head cocked to one side.
I’ll probably make it as a “T” shaped strip of cardstock with end caps added and paint it the same shade as the roof.
Hope this is continuing to go well for you. There are those following who enjoy this hobby.
Well wishes to all members of the forum.