I recently finished building the Walthers Single Track Arched Pratt Truss Bridge (#4521), my question is, I wnat to add walkways to the bridge, what are you using and what suggesions do you have?
By the way their new bridge is pretty nice, it took me about 8-10 hours to build as there are some tedious pieces to install, but they really add to the detail of the model, overall a fairly easy build, I would suggest painting it in subassemlies first though.
How about Plano freight car walkways like this:
Its fairly easy to cut off the unwanted bits using tin snips and then use a grinding disc to polish off any stubs.
If you want railings, .015" phosphor bronze wire from Tichy solders very nicely:
In this case I installed the stantions first and then soldered the hand railing to them. In your case if it is too difficult to work inside the bridge you could make up a jig using a block of wood.