Shinoraha three way turn out wiring

I installed a shinoraha three way turn out on my latyout and would like to know how it should be wired, I am using Lenz dcc. The south rail has a red wire and the north a white. Where should I connect the wires? Thanks for your information.

Three-way turnouts can be tricky. Start with just two feeders on it. Both at the point end of the turnout on the two main rails going in as you would normally wire them. Then test it to see if the power is getting through to the route ends when the different points are switched. You may have to hold the points over to get good contact if you don’t have any switch machines hooked up yet. (Don’t connect any track yet to the other end of the three routes unless they just end.)

One of the best tools for testing a setup like that is a light bulb voltage tester or a digital multimeter.

Assuming it is DCC-friendly, I have one too. Just feed from the point end either by feeders to the turnout itself or by feeders to track ahead of the point end of the turnout. Simple as that!

I found that one of the underside jumpers to one of the diverging routes was not functioning; therefore, I had to add my own jumper wire.


Thanks, that sounds like a good way to do it, I have a light bulb tester. I appreciate your response.