short line locomotive leasing

Hi All:

Anyone know if short lines lease locomotives from Class 1 railroads?


It certainly happens in Canada. Generally it is very short term, only one run or maybe a few days, when a short line locomotive makes an unexpected shop visit. The locomotive(s) are provided by the partner Class 1 to keep their traffic flowing. It’s costly for the short line, so avoided as much as possible. Sometimes too (more normally on a regional) big trains will have run-through power.

Yes,if traffic warrents another locomotive or if their locomotive is out of service due to needing heavy repairs.

However,railroads usually don’t lease out their older 4 axle locomotives unless they have a surplus that is stored servicable.A 6 axel locomotive could be to heavy if the short line has light jointed rail with weight limitions and weight restrictions on their bridges.

Also,short lines will look to locomotive leasing companies and will lease 4 axle locomotives as well on a short term lease.