Welcome to the January, 2018 “Show Me Something” thread!
This is a place where forum members can post their photos containing a view of a “requested” scene or object.
If you show the scene requested you can then make a request of your own.
Your photos should be of models only, not a “real-life” scene. After 24 hours, if the requested scene is not posted, anyone is welcome to make their own submission and make their own request. It’s all about having fun!
Ed … A big thanks for restarting the January thread. … Your request is an example of how we should make requests… Requests should be easy for others to have a suitable photo . I think the rules should say that. People should not request obscure, hard-to-find items.
I also suggest the rules say “If a person does not include a request, then the preivious request is stll in effect.”
One of my favorite scenes is Standing Falls with a covered bridge.
Here is a scene from nearly 10-years ago. A West bound New York Central passenger train passes a short freight headed by NYC Mikado #9519 as it rounds the curve near the Farmers Union grain elevator.
i have not found out how to do pictures yet and trubble spelling but this whati have been up to my first month in to my 2 i have a 4x8 layout ho just picked up steam and some passanger cars have deseil and frighte as well money is real tight so this is going to take time .
i’m woking on a kfc now a life like kit have put up power poles and lines this month sidewalks have some streets and a new rail power 1370 power pak would put some pictures on don’t know how yet a do a lot of kit bashing my hands shake bad so painting is hard love this site