Show Me Something: January 2018

Welcome to the January, 2018 “Show Me Something” thread!

This is a place where forum members can post their photos containing a view of a “requested” scene or object.

If you show the scene requested you can then make a request of your own.

Your photos should be of models only, not a “real-life” scene. After 24 hours, if the requested scene is not posted, anyone is welcome to make their own submission and make their own request. It’s all about having fun!

This is the link to the December thread:

Where the last request was for a favorite scene…

Union_Sta_departure5 by Edmund, on Flickr

I don’t really have a favorite scene but I do like seeing my vehicles lit up in a night scene.

More favorite scenes please.


Modeling the early to mid 1950s SP in HO scale since 1951

Ed … A big thanks for restarting the January thread. … Your request is an example of how we should make requests… Requests should be easy for others to have a suitable photo . I think the rules should say that. People should not request obscure, hard-to-find items.

I also suggest the rules say “If a person does not include a request, then the preivious request is stll in effect.”

One of my favorite scenes is Standing Falls with a covered bridge.

Please show another favorite scene.

My first offering

more of the same please

“Favorite scene”

Here is a scene from nearly 10-years ago. A West bound New York Central passenger train passes a short freight headed by NYC Mikado #9519 as it rounds the curve near the Farmers Union grain elevator.

Another favorite scene, please.

Nice work Ed, and Mel. And to all that got in while I was setting up my post! Those headlights do look neat!

One of my favorite scenes, looking out over a cold looking Lake Superior.

Show us more of your favorite scenes.


My email has been hacked so closing account. Please respond to me on this site.

This photo rewarded me with a second place certificate in the MCR division 2 Bring and brag two years ago. So it holds a special place in my heart.

Let’s see more of your favorite shots.

I like this one. A peekaboo shot of my C & O 2-10-4.

Show me another Peekaboo view of something.

A quick peek into the window of the diner, as the Broadway makes a brief station stop, finds a couple of ladies enjoying dinner…

IMG_0060_fix by Edmund, on Flickr

IMG_0067_fix by Edmund, on Flickr

Show me more “peek-views”

The MOW crane is just peeking out from behind a tree.

The Blacklog switcher is working a siding at the end of the street. A coal train passes by in the back round.

Thats great Ed, [(-D][(-D], I see they are joined by our favorite lion, who seems to have captured their attention!


Ha! You see a LION… I see a squirrel [%-)] In “model” reality, it’s supposed to be a wine bottle [:)]

Thanks for the comment, Mike!


Well…the train is the Broadway, and I thought…just maybe…[(-D]

Another favorite scene, to keep things on track…[(-D]…a lake scene with a train!

OOOps! NOT a “peek-a-boo” topic…sorry, carry on with the “peek-a-boo” scenes.


Ed … A wine bottle ? … Drink enough and it will look like a lion !.. LOL

Peek-A-Boo .

Two steam locomotives are in the distance. One is peeking over the top of a bilevel commuter car.

Please show one or more animals. … Extra credit for a lion. LOL

A peek at the chubby guy waiting for his dinner at Moody’s Diner on the Boothbay Railway Village layout

More peeks please

i have not found out how to do pictures yet and trubble spelling but this whati have been up to my first month in to my 2 i have a 4x8 layout ho just picked up steam and some passanger cars have deseil and frighte as well money is real tight so this is going to take time .

i’m woking on a kfc now a life like kit have put up power poles and lines this month sidewalks have some streets and a new rail power 1370 power pak would put some pictures on don’t know how yet a do a lot of kit bashing my hands shake bad so painting is hard love this site

JMC CRR counts rail road

And this aint no squirrel.

More peek a boos please


And a Batmobile peeking out in the lower left of the photo.

More Peek Out please.

"More Peek Out please.

NYC Mikado #9519 peeks from behind some track side pine trees near Black River Tower.

More “Peek-A-Boos” please.