Silk Purse from a Sow's Ear? El Cheepo Scientific Boxcar reduex

Being very poor hobby wise at the moment I did my best to modify a Xmas tree trainset Scientific boxcar into a reasonable narrow gauge car, I changed the single axle wheels to bogie trucks and added Ozark link and pin couplers, the rest is just paint, it still has the original cast plastic color and original decals. This will be a guide for other El Cheepos.

She cleans up rather nicely methinks… :smiley:

That’s some silk purse, Vic! Nice work! So…that was a 2 axle boxcar to begin with? I need one of them.

Vic: that looks really awsome. Im going to have to start looking out for these and doing the same. I love the narrow gauge look.


My idea…

Paint Oxide Red, new couplers, and call Stan to make this “Smith’s Lumber” “Explosives”

IMHO - Toad

Would that be 1:20 scale in NG, then? Nice job.


Works better with 1/22.5, 1/20.3 these would be small. I think they were nominally scaled closer to match LGB.

Someone on the GSM site asked for a “how to” to switch out the trucks, I’ll try to show this on a gondola I still have to convert if I can find another pair of trucks for it.

Please do, Vic. I was about to ask for that very thing. I think I’m going to do one as well. I need a small boxcar and was thinking 4 wheel, but I like your version better.

Vic, nice job!! What trucks did you use?


These were from a super cheap battery toytrain set I got at Big Lots 2 xmas ago, I got a bunch of sets, kept the trucks and chucked all the rest, it was a useless set other than these trucks, but they were 50mm gauge! so I had to modify them with spacers inside the journal boxes, never seen those sets again.

Well I’ll be darned…Big Lots…How did I ever miss that? And 50mm gauge, that’s an odd one for sure! Thanks for the info…gotta keep my eyes peeled for interesting cheap stuff…
