
Hi All,

Just bought a new modern laptop with a core i3-2330M processor, 640GB hard drive, 4GB system memory. Although I have other uses I bought it for, the idea of getting into the sim market has occured to me. I read the past posts in the index, but was wondering about any changes in the past few years and what ya’ll would recommend, as I am very new to this market, the only related program I have ever used is 3rd PlanIt, which I really like.

I model the C&O’s New River Subdivision in HO and am interested in recreating it on a virtual basis. As a modeller, I posses an immense amount of information that I could use to render my own drawings. Any comment is appreciated.

You don’t have enough horsepower to run Trainz 12 or Railworks3(TS2012).

I would recommend Trainz 2010. It is possible to do stuff like this:

TPR’s Proto-Clinchfield route

TransDEM is available to use USGS data in making Routes. The hardest part about virtual trains is the immensity of real life:

The beginnings of my 1870’s Ozark Air Line with TransDEM’d terrain.

Hope that helps


I too just got a new computer about 3 weeks ago. I downloaded Railworks TS2012 and I have been happy with it but I am still learning. They just added Donner Pass as DLC today