I don’t think I’ve seen on quite this crowded before.
I don’t think I’ve seen on quite this crowded before.
“Slightly” being the keyword here. Wonder if that train is moving.
Holy Cow! I wonder what it must be like inside the cars.
Think I’ll take a rain check on the free pass today and I’ll walk.
Have fun,
Now I want to see someone model that prototype.
that’s how our old INCB used to look on it’s way from willows tower to the cotton belt in e st louis. locals hanging all over it, waiting for it to stop so they could break into the cars. they would even jump on the caboose platform and set the air. the crew locked the cab doors and crawled into the bunks. a couple of the engineers like to play with the slack and see how many they could shake off. oh, for the good old days.
After WW II, trains in Germany looked pretty much like the one in your picture. People used any means of transport available to go out in the countryside to trade in their valuables for food. As trains ran only occasionally, they were “crowded”.
From what I’ve seen and heard, that’s a common occurrence in India. Hey, I spotted Waldo!!
All I can say is thank goodness there isn’t any overhead catenary lines. I wonder how fast a train like that goes, and how in the heck does the engineer see? I wouldn’t want to anywhere near the horn or exhaust.
He doesn’t. The guy up front calls signals.
Yes, but it’s not full yet - see those people hurrying to climb on.
In reading the text under the photo I see that was taken in India. I’ve seen many such photos over the years and it’s a common practice there as the trains are the major form of mechanized transport.
It is a way of life and we complain here if the seat next to us is taken on Amtrak!
When an accident occurs with a train like this, who has the liability for the 1000 unpaid passengers??
I don’t know, I can still see the sides of the coaches and can tell what color the engine is on some parts of it, they can probably squeeze another 600 on board