some of my steam engines

this is all my steamers that i have to run . i like steam the most have some diesels but like steam the best. ples let me know whut you think.


I’m thinking…you probably were wanting to post a pic of your steam roster on the forum…but haven’t done it before? Or, are you referring to the steamer in your avatar? It’s kinda small to really make it out well.


yes you have that right


Unless you can post a larger pic, what kinda steamer to you have and who is the manufacturer?

I really enjoy steam, too, because it’s so fascinating to watch. However, I have a growing affinity for early diesel and, therefore, model both on my early 40s layout.


how do you upload pics on here???

You need to first find an online host (e.g. Photobucket or to host your pictures so that you can copy and paste the photo’s URL (web address) into your post. Once your pic is “hosted” (i.e. uploaded onto their web site), right click on the pic you want to post with your mouse and click on Copy Image Location.

Once you have that, open a post here on the forum and click on the Insert Media icon, which is right above your text box; bottom row, 3rd icon from the right. Paste the URL in the Link to media text box and click the Insert button. (Your pic should show up if you’ve done the above correctly.) When you’re finished with your post, click the Post button.

That should do it for you…


OR you can go to photobucket and upload you pics, and then go to albums, scroll over you pic and a menu will come up. click the bottom box, and in your post right click and hit paste.

I blew up the photo. It is blurry at 4x magnification but it looks to be a 2-10-4.



Canadian poster, white stripes

Could it be

!( brass 2-8-0/DSCF0076.jpg)

If it was a 2-10-4 and Canadian then I would guess, except for the white stripe

!( brass 2-8-0/DSCF0070.jpg)

ok don7 how you get the pics up on here pleees tell meeeeeee thankyou

Exactly as indicated to you. You need a host for your pictures, You upload your pictures to the Host, in my case Photoshop. When you upload your pics you create albums for the pics. You open one of your albums, pic a picture to post, you tab on the picture and there is a menu asking what you want. In the case of a web forum you want to directly insert the picture. If you pick the picture icon on the web posting you then paste in the address where your picture resides.

It may sound complicated, but it is not.

So, what is your steam engine?

I assume a CN locomotive what with the white stripe, is it one of the U2g’s (4-8-4)

Based on the screen name, I would have guessed it was a CNR U-1-f, but, as you can see from the photos below, it’s not:

I’d still guess it to be one of the U-1s, perhaps a ‘-c’ or an ‘-e’.


I made your link live. Folks can click on it to see your pictures.

Your locomotives look pretty nice.

Thankyou than you for all the help ,not good at knowing how to do pc things. thankyou .

The only thing you probably missed doing was hitting the Return (Enter) key after your link. I think this is an idosyncracy of this forum

The OP added his link sometime later after he initially posted it. Also, the ENTER key option has never worked for me. I always have to highlight the text and use the Insert/edit link icon to create a “clickable” link.


So do you have the steam engine shown on your Avatar?

If you do, who is the manufacturer?

Do you like the running characteristics or do you plan to update the motor and gearing?

LOL, we may never know.

i like to get the one in my Avatar it a reel engine # 6218 its here in fort erie. and yes im goingto re gear it.