Sound Decoder for Atlas Classic HO RS3

I’ve been contemplating replacing the current decoder (MRC 1650… I know, I know…) with a sound decoder. Has anyone done this and which decoder would you recomend. This would be my first sound equiped loco. All my others are Athearn BB Geeps that are much to loud at the moment, need to spend some time quieting them down before I install sound.



The ATLAS RS-3 can be equipped with a Sound Traxx plug and play. If you use a Tony’s small oval speakeasy.

I have placed this in my ATLAS RS 3 and plan on doing six more (sigh).

The Sound Traxx fits right where the light board goes. I mount the speaker in a baffle box also from Tony’s (5/8 x 1 x 5/16) in the front hood under the front fan, hence the oval speak easy is the biggest speaker to fit in this confined space. I have drilled out many tiny holes in the fan grill to let the sound out. You must mill off a good 3/8 inch from the top of the front weight and make room for the headlights. I am in the process of milling at this time.

The sound is absolutely beautiful with the Sound Traxx and is worth the effort. All this is available from Tony’s. The sound decoder and speaker will set you back maybe 75.00

I have read where guy’s are putting speakers in the fuel tank. I think it is easier in the front hood under the fan.

Hope this helps. Chris


Can you post a few pics of what you are doing to your RS-3?


I’ve got a P1K RS3. I put a Soundtraxx LC in mine. They make one which is specifically for Alco engine sounds. I’m pretty happy with it, but it lacks all the options that my QSI-equipped engines have.

I also had to do some milling of the metal for the speaker enclosure. I put mine under the fan, too, but pointed the speaker down so the sound comes out the bottom by the trucks.

Thanks everyone for your help, sounds like the Sound Traxx decoder is the way to go. I’ll check out Tony’s site today.


This is great information. I have a 15 year old Atlas RS-3 that was a favorite of mine in my DC days but have been trying to find a quality decoder, preferably with sound, that will fit in the narrow hood. I checked a few years ago and hadn’t found anything and had almost given up until reading this thread. It’s nice to know this won’t be a museum piece and that I can also get sound for my recently purchased Athearn RS-3s. Thanks everyone.

Chris, do you have part numbers from Tony’s for what you used.

How did you mill out the weight, and exactly where did you do it in relation to say the cab and fans. Thanks again for the info. Think it is a project I might take on in the near future.



Soundtraxx DSD 100LC 55.95

Tony’s Dream Speaker TDS MiniOval 9.95

TDS Mini Oval Speak Easy Enclosure 6.95 1.05 x 0.63 x .25 high, 5/15 to 3/8 high with speaker in box. This enclosure is what gives the speaker a chance to provide great sound.

You have to remove part of the front weight in the long hood. Remove the metal in front of the two screw towers that hold the weight to frame. Use a hack saw as milling is cleaner but who sees it anyway. You have enough room to reuse only the weight that the two screws go though that hold the front weight in place. You lose some weight but the results are worth it. You still have the weight of the metal that is held by the screws. The light bulb needs to be replaced by a much smaller bulb. A LED could be used also.

I took a very fine drill and drilled out 90% of the holes in the front hood fan to let the sound out. This took a long time. I think facing the speaker down may actually be better and I will try it on the next one.The problem here would be the top of the front power truck would rub on the speaker face unless you taped or glued the speak easy enclosure to the top of the inside which might work well.

I am happy with the sound, it is a real ALCO sound as I remember them. The horn is great, The air brake and compressor is not in this sound decoder like a QSI. Having said that I turn these sounds way low on my QSI’s anyway as they are anoying sometimes.

The sound quality from this mini oval speaker and enclosure is very, very good and surpised me. A variation would be to put the speaker in the rear hood, you could than add weight in the battery boxes, and fit the capacitor for the speaker a little more easily.

I have a bunch of the new Athearn RS 3 ALCO’s that look like they can be worked the same way. I do not know which Soundtraxx sound decoder to use here yet as I have not experimented with it.

Hope this he

Chris, Thanks I will make note of the parts and will have to give it a try on one of my RS3.

I have a bunch of Atlas RS3’s and will convert one to sound, thanks again for the info and instructions.



I tried one of my other shells on the frame with the sound decoder. This time still with speaker facing up in Tony’s enclosure. No holes drilled in fan. Sound was more than loud enough. I will not drill out the fan on future units.

I think using the rear hood instead of front hood may now be better given the ability to make up for the weight loss, minor anyway, in the battery boxes. I will try an Athearn next.


Chris, just got off the phone with Tony’s, got my order in for the necessary parts, thanks for all your help.
