SP&S 50' DD Box Car Help

Need some help with HO modeling from my Forum friends again. I am intending to model a couple of SP&S boxcars.The bases are both Athearn BB. One is a 40’ that isn’t causing the confusion. The 50’ DD is. Example: https://www.rr-fallenflags.org/sps/sps14396rta.jpg. The issue I’m having is that I can’t find the right kind of doors. The stock Athearn ones aren’t right. The Kadee doors that some might suggest would need the tack boards carved off one set and that’s a pain especially with the (edit) 5-6-5 Youngstown corrugated doors. The only other doors I found were the Tichy ones. They will work for the 40’ and have a positionable tack board but they are too short and a bit too narrow as well for the 50’. As usual, any suggestions would be most appreciated.

If you get any of the Branchline or Intermountain undedecorated kits you get extra doors so I have a box full of extra doors of many different configurations that I use when kitbashing cars. Unfortunately one cannot order Intermountain parts anymore and I don’t know if Atlas (Branchline’s successor) sells their doors separately.

Rick Jesonowski

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I bought some Accurail doors that I’m pretty sure will work.

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