Standard Catalog Of Lionel Trains

Is there a Standard Catalog Of Lionel Trains that goes from 2000 to today?? Or anything past 2000?



Are you looking for a catalog containing all Standard Gauge trains produced by Lionel from 2000-on? If you are, I don’t think one exists.

You may want to pickup Kalmback Publishing’s Greenberg’s Guides Lionel Trains Pocket Price Guide 1901-2015. It doesn’t have pics of all the trains, but at least it attempts to list them all—including variations.

I think your only real alternative is to collect all of the ads and catalogs Lionel put out during that span of time that dealt with their Standard Gauge output.

I am looking for a new addition or something like the book by Justin Moen called Standard Catalog Of Lionel Trains 1970-2000 by krause publications.

Thinking your right, there is not one. [:S]

It doesn’t even look like that book is in print anymore. I went to, but there aren’t any books about Lionel on their site at all anymore. I searched for books about Lionel, but none seemed to have what you wanted.

The only standard catalog of any sort that I’m aware of for Lionel was the one put out by the Fort Pitt chapter of the TCA in the early 70’s of prewar Lionel trains. They may have done followups and updated versions since then, though

I hadn’t heard of that book either. After doing a quick search, I discovered the following books written by David Doyle and edited by Justin Moen had been published by Krause Publications Inc.:

  1. Standard Catalog of Lionel Trains 1900-1942, 2 Editions

  2. Standard Catalog Of Lionel Trains: 1945-1969

  3. Standard Catalog of Lionel Trains 1970-2000 2 Editions

There are pics of them on They appear to be similar to the Greenberg series of comprehensive books covering most of Lionel’s output. Only after learning this did I realize the OP was wondering if another volume had been added to the series to bring it up-to-date.

Yes that is what “Kev” was wondering. Who is OP??

I’m sorry. OP = Original Poster

I have all 3 of those books and I use them constantly. The pre and postwar editions are the best as they have photos of everything possible and lengthy descriptions of all known variations. I say “possible” because examples of some things like Lionel’s early plunge batteries just haven’t surfaced. The prewar book also uses examples of Joe Mania’s 2 7/8 gauge repros where surviving examples were unavailable for photographing.

The 1970 to 2000 book differs in several significant ways.

  1. Largely because of the sheer volume of production items during those 30 years, there aren’t pictures of many items (The book would be 4 times thicker if there were.)
  2. The descriptions are considerably shorter, sometimes only a handful of words.
  3. There’s not much info concerning variations.
  4. Unlike the 2 books covering production prior to 1970 the MPC/modern era volume doesn’t list accessories.

Considering that all volumes cover at least 24 years, it’s probably too soon to expect anyone to add a fourth vol. to the series. However I’d really like to see someone do one on modern era accessories.

Me to Penny!!! Darn??