Question: How much weight does it take to keep the pilot truck and the trailing truck on the tracks?
The obvious answer is as much as it takes to keep the trucks on track and no more. LOL
But, seriously, how much weight is required? And what material do you use? And how do you apply the weight to keep it in place?
I have tried pieces of lead sheet with double faced tape, but after awhile the tape gives and the weight falls off. Often, there is insufficient room on the truck to apply the necessary amount of weight.
Do you apply the weight to the top of the truck or the underside of the truck?
In some instances, I have wrapped solder wire around the axles of the trucks. But, sometimes, because of the design of the truck, it is difficult to wrap the solder wire around the axle.
So, what do others do and use to apply weight to the pilot truck and trailing truck of a steam engine and how do you secure it in place?
When I was into steam many years ago I would glue a small coil spring to the top of the truck and allow the top of the spring to slide against the frame. Where the spring came from was unimportant as it was taken from whatever was available at the time. There were a lot of old government pens in the house and some of them disappeared.
I won’t disagree with you about the possibility of faulty track or poor track work.
But, is it a fact that an HO scale steam engine will never have the pilot truck or trailing truck derail if the track work is perfect? That just seems to good to be true.
Like I posted in the other thread, Screws, glue, double stick tape and just setting the weight in the frame works on most applications. On pilot trucks 2 and 4 wheel I hardly ever put weight on. The ones I have, had very little weight to work good. How much goes into the loco is a different thing. I add as much as possible. On a Bachmann K4 Pacific I added just a few ounces to more than double the pulling power. It only takes a few ounces to make a big improvement. It is equally important to equalize the weight from front to back of the drivers. I also remove the springs on the pilots and trailing trucks so they never support any part of the loco. Having the non drive wheels support any part will decrease the driver traction. I also get rid of the traction tires. They tend to wobble and actually try to push the front drivers over the rails. If you insist in traction tires, put them on the front so they pull the loco and not push it.
I have problems with my challenger, sometimes when I run it at full speed the front pilots want to ride up the rails. I thought about adding some lead weight.
I am not sure if I am pleased to read this or not. If you check my thread on Problems with the 2-10-2 and 2-10-4 Steam Engines, you will see that I just returned my 2-10-4 steamer to BLI for repairs because the driver wheels continually derail. BLI says that the solution is to place a tighter spring on the trailing truck to balance the weight from front to rear on the boiler. In my repair note to BLI, I noted that the fourth set of driver wheels were wobbly. I cannot recall if that set of driver wheels had traction tires or if it was only the fifth set. Oh brother !
Rich, have you tried stick on wheel weights? I have had good luck with them, they use a good double side tape and I have never had one come off.
When the spaces is real tight, I take the wheel weight and places it in my bench vices and flatten it out some.
After I read your posting about the 2-10-2 picking turnouts, mine started doing it? [|(] Never picked one till then! [(-D] Now I guess my weights will start to fall off! [:-^]
I agree that the double faced tape on automotive weights holds a lot better than household double faced tape. The only problem that I have with automotive weights is their thickness. Often, there is not enough clearance on the trucks to use automotive weights.
I did not read all the posts so this may have already been mentioned…
In the “old days”, a common way to attempt a fix was to wind solder around the axles in question. Of course today’s HO locos may not have the spacing to allow this, but very small diameter solder is available and perhaps it would fit…
I’m afraid I won’t be with the group advocating adding weight. I have no two steamers alike, perhaps 16 in all, and most of them caused me grief the first time I ran them on my layout. It was rare that I had to do any fiddling with the engine… I can think of one case, and that was the BLI Hybrid TTT-6 from the Union Pacific. Its tender derailed on one curve…just one. I altered the bend in the drawbar just a bit, but it didn’t help. Ripped up the curve, shimmed the outer rail a bit, and reballasted. Worked like a darn after that.
So, standing in Harold’s circle, I can honestly report that all those first-run engine problems were corrected when I accepted that I needed to take a learning-oriented approach to looking at my trackwork. "Struth!!
I’ve had a number of steamers since the early 1970s and to the best of my recall, there have only been four that I would consider absolutely trouble free AND tolerant of less than perfect trackage…
The first was a Bachmann 0-4-0, and the second an AHM 0-8-0. Given they had no lead or trailing trucks, they should have worked just fine - and they did.
The third was the Bachmann 2-8-0, which has been with us for decades in one form or another. My first one was easily my favorite, and even on my brass track and less than perfect connections, it worked like a charm. I have two of the newer ones today, and they are fine, but not flawless.
The fourth one - my favorite - is a BLI Paragon ATSF 4-8-4. This was a $300 loco, and it was easily worth every penney. Yup, I also have the BLI 2-10-2 and 2-10-4, and they are ok, but not in the same league as the 4-8-4.
How much weight is needed? All the weight that you can fit in there isn’t too much. I place the weight where ever I can get it to fit, topside, downside, or wrapped around the axle. I use sheet lead flashing from the hardware store. Pickle the weight in vinegar to prepare the surface and get rid of that greasy feel of the lead. Then stick it in place with silicone bathtub caulking compound.
Though I’ve had few problems with either leading or trailing trucks over the years, the several times I have had problems, a little flat lead epoxied onto the bottom of the truck tongue has seemed to help a lot.
The one time I had a problem with a particular locomotive–a brass 4-8-2–I found out that after re-assembling the locomotive after painting it, I had inadvertantly installed the lead truck upside down and it was catching on the cylinders. Boy, was I embarrassed, LOL! Flipped it back right side up and the loco tracked like a dream.
I tend to be in Crandell’s camp in that a lot of times, the problem can be caused by uneven track-work. Even if the eye can’t see it, the darned lead or trailing trucks can. Steamers can be really picky.
I have never added weight to pilot or trailing truck to keep it on the track, in fact I often remove the factory springs designed to hold them down - they only detract from the locos pulling power.
The secret to keeping pilot and trailing trucks on the track is excelent trackwork and large enough curves and turnouts for the locos in question.
That’s why even with my 36" radius and larger curves, I don’t own any 2-10-4’s or even any 4-8-4’s with 80" drivers - their rigid wheel base is too long - making them potential problems.
All my pilot and trailing trucks stay on the track just fine.
Interesting that you avoid the larger rigid wheel base steamers even with 36" radius curves. I am not going to claim that my track work is perfect, but I continually hope that by placing additional weight on the pilot trucks and the trailing trucks I can minimize the possibility of derailments.
I’ve done that too, but I find it ends up taking weight off the drivers, and on a steamer especially, we can’t afford our locos to be any more slippery.
I have this brass 4-4-4 Jubilee that always throws the lead truck off the tracks, and no matter what I do, it won’t pull more than 2 or 3 passenger cars.
You hate to put a traction tire on it because you’ll end up losing half of your electrical pickup. Springs under the lead truck keeps it glued to the rail, but then it’ll only pull the tender and maybe one car as well.
I just had a flash of what I hope is insight, so bear with me here: Just as a long wheel-base steamer can lever its frame in such a way that it helps to lift either truck’s flange on one wheel clear of the tire surface on the rail head, I think a small set of drivers on a rigid frame can to the same thing. If all you have is a four-point stance on a long frame, and if you have even minor transverse level problem between rails at any one point, as one driver axle dips or rises, you will get the entire frame yawing and pitching. It should be no wonder that you will have the truck pivot moving just enough relative to the rails that the truck gets twisted and lifted enough to cause the same thing. So, I would be getting out the Opti-Visor and bright lights and running that fine gazelle at very low speeds to see if I could find such events taking place in slow motion. If I didn’t, it wouldn’t mean that it wasn’t happening at higher speeds due to momentum effects.
Honestly, no one likes to accept that they might have to take up their track and maybe even take the time to redo or resurface their roadbed. But every single time a (new) engine of mine has problems with track, it isn’t the engine…it’s the track. My proof has always been that in the end, I have caved and begun the deconstruction and restoration of the problem area, and it has always paid off…every single time.