Hey everyone! Anyone know of a good source for steel mill pics? especially coke ovens and the specialized equipment? I am doing some major mods to the Walthers coke retort kit. Thanks!
Go into GOOGLE or whar ever your serch engine is and typr in
I did this and it brought up hundreds of sights and pics.
Try joining the yahoo steel group, I myself and along with a few other members of MR belong to yahoos group. Great group to join.
What type of mill equipment you looking for ? I’ve build an HO scale kress hot metal carrier along with other vehicles. Ken Larson…also a member of this group has built many peices of equipment , including a coke oven pusher.
Any help I can be , just let me know.
P.S I’ll post the link to yahoos steel group.
Dragon River Steel Corp {DRSC}
Below is a link to yahoos steel group.
Dragon River Steel Corp {DRSC}
I belong the yahoo steel group and find it a wealth of information. Please come and join us, I do not think that you will be disapointed.
Hey thanks guys! Specifically, i need to scratchbuild the larry car or charging larry, door opener car, coke pusher, etc… Ill check that site. Thanks again
Thanks for the link to the Yahoo Steel Grooup guys. I just joined it based on your comments.
There are plenty of photographs of steel mills around. What I cannot find are photographs of the old Kaiser Steel mill (Fontana, CA) before they demolished quite a bit of it (the finishing mills are still around and being operated by California Steel Industries).
anyone no where to find good pics of mills served by steam?
I concur with Patrick and Ira about joining the Yahoo Steel newsgroup - that’s where I met most of the people who have guided my efforts in building my own steel mill layout.
I would also recommend a visit to Dave Ayer’s Steel Mill Modeling web site, at:
It’s like an online compendium of anything related to steel mills; scroll to near the bottom of that page under the heading “Modelers”, and you will see numerous links to model photo websites.