Sticky situation

Hey guys (and gals)

I’m in a bit of a jam here

I’m doing a lighting upgrade on my Kato SD90/43MAC (CP colours) by adding prototypical pilot mount ditch lights from Details West

The problem right now is, whenever I try to add the lenses into the ditch lights, the lens clouds over, making it appear white instead of clear.

What do you guys use for adhesives/glue in this situation?


What are you using for the lens? If it is something like canopy glue it will be white but clears as it dries.

I’d also suggest canopy glue for anything like lenses or window glazing. You can buy it at hobby shops. It’s designed for attaching canopies to model aircraft, hence the name.

For glazing, lenses, etc. I use quick setting epoxy. I’ve never tried canopy glue, so it may be a good approach, too.

If you are using any kind of modeling solvent cement (like Testors or Tenax liquid) or CA (super glue), it will attack and craze the clear plastic. I use Canopy Glue for gluing clear plastic. If you hobby shop does not stock it, Walthers has it

I’ve tried CA glues, Testors model glue and Tamiya contact cement. Got so frustrated I was tempted to try Elmer’s. It starts out clear but then clouds over in all cases. I’ll have to try this canopy glue, assuming my hobby shop has it…

Thanks for the tips guys!

Cyanoacrylate (Super Glue) can also cause fogging of clear plastics.


For small lenses I use epoxy just like Phil does. Works great.


I use either MicroScale Krystal Kleer or Testors Clear Parts Glue. These have the added advantage that they can be used to fill small gaps and create small windows.