Storage space for styrene sheet and strip

I finally got around to making some sensible storage space for the styrene sheet and strip/shapes that I use for scratch building. For years I just kept it in a box and had to forage through it each time I needed something. Not wanting to spend a lot of $$$ or a lot of time I came up with these two units made from on hand materials.

The strip material is now stored in foamcore boxes that have internal divider strips and they slide out of a basic frame. I put labels on each so I can find/store stuff easily.

The sheet stock is now stored in slide out trays (3/16" masonite with 3/4" front and back.) housed in another ‘box frame’. I used more masonite to make slots in the sides; very easy task, and they work great. I put labels on these as well.

I just thought I would share this idea with others and maybe encourage some to try a similar system. This is not a difficult project and makes it so easy to find what I want. I may enlarge it later if my supplies outgrow their space.



LOL…What no space for K&S Brass shapes, tube and rod? Just kidding, nice idea and good job! I’ve been using Craftsman stackable tool box drawer’s. Still have too much…stuff! [(-D]

Take Care! [:D]


Good idea. Years ago I lucked onto a Plastruct countertop revolving “point of purchase” display at a hobby shop that was going out of business. It cost me $15 and best of all it still had most of the plastic and ABS shapes in the right square tube openings. I use it for newly purchased materials too.

I wish I could find something comparable for my various wood shapes and pieces but your pictures give me some ideas.

Dave Nelson

Great idea and quite organized, mine has been hanging on pegboard along w/ all sorts of 'crap"


Yeah, I have brass tube and wire (phos/bronze) in small plastic tubes (Tichy) that are still in silverware trays on my workbench, taking up valuable space! I still have more organizational work ahead of me, but this was my first stab at it. I have tons of stackable 3 and 5 drawer plastic cabinets for small stuff; and that needs to be organized! Will it ever end?


Great idea. I really need to do something like that myself “one of these days”. I have so much styrene strips piled up, I can’t even tell what I have or don’t have anymore.

If your workspace is in the basement and the ceiling isn’t finished, you can store long strips and dowels in cardboard shipping tubes, and then store those in the space between the floor joists above your head. Label the end caps to make it easier to identify everything.

Steve S

I used old cork boards and filled the walls and behind doors and thumbtack up the packages for both wood and styene, sheets are kept in a drawer.