stripping paint

this more than likely has been posted at various times,but i would like to know about stripping paint from athearn loco shells.i wrote them a note,and the reply was “we do not have any need to strip the paint off our models”.
i model in ho.
i am not a typist,so the hell with caps.
any info would be appreciated


I strip athearn paint by soaking the shell overnight in automotive brake fluid. Next day, scub with an old toothbrush and rinse in warm water. You may need to soak another night to get it all. After the paint is gone, wash in dish detergent. Use brake fluid on the “regular” line. The shells are tuff and can take. I do not know is the Genesis line can handle the brake fluid. Other brand can be melted!!

I reccomend stripping paint by letting it sit in 91 percent rubbing achohol for three hours and scubbing with a tooth brush. Might be shorter. depends on how fast the alchohol evaporates. You want to scub with toothbrush before it evaporates because when the alchohol evaporates the paint will start to get solid.

There is merit to alcohol on life like models since they recommend it.

For Athearn locos, I use regular Pine-Sol or brake fluid and an overnight soak. For P2K, 99% isopropyl alcohol for a few hours, and for Atlas/Roco, brake fuild for a few hours.

this more than likely has been posted at various times,but i would like to know about stripping paint from athearn loco shells.i wrote them a note,and the reply was “we do not have any need to strip the paint off our models”.
i model in ho.
i am not a typist,so the hell with caps.
any info would be appreciated


I strip athearn paint by soaking the shell overnight in automotive brake fluid. Next day, scub with an old toothbrush and rinse in warm water. You may need to soak another night to get it all. After the paint is gone, wash in dish detergent. Use brake fluid on the “regular” line. The shells are tuff and can take. I do not know is the Genesis line can handle the brake fluid. Other brand can be melted!!

I reccomend stripping paint by letting it sit in 91 percent rubbing achohol for three hours and scubbing with a tooth brush. Might be shorter. depends on how fast the alchohol evaporates. You want to scub with toothbrush before it evaporates because when the alchohol evaporates the paint will start to get solid.

There is merit to alcohol on life like models since they recommend it.

For Athearn locos, I use regular Pine-Sol or brake fluid and an overnight soak. For P2K, 99% isopropyl alcohol for a few hours, and for Atlas/Roco, brake fuild for a few hours.