I am trying to suspend my son’s Lionel train from the ceiling or even run track around the perimeter of the room (close to the ceiling). I want to do it in a way that he can see the train, even run it by his self, but that the train will not get torn up or sustain any damage from the hands of his 3 year old sister. Any ideas or suggestions would be mush appreciated.
Dear jasons train,
I suppose you could use bolts suspended from the ceiling attached to a platform to suspend the trains. But this would probably require access from the top of the ceiling (I don’t know if this is a problem for you). And are you sure that you want to do this-Lionel’s trains are often durable, but one test of Newton’s ideas on gravity could put them out of commision. Furthermore, cleaning the track (a must after awhile) would probably be somewhat difficult at that hight, and fixing derailments could be hard. But, if you are determined to have this elevated line, you might want to use Command Control so that you can put the hardware out of the harm’s reach, and you could just hide the remote some place.
I hope I have helped,
Daniel, I would advise you to build a plate shelf. Common in older homes. The shelf could be supported by metal" L" brackets or wooden brackets. Be sure to lay out your corners carefully to allow for the radius of your track. For more of a detailed drawing go to home depot, lowes, or even a book store that might show plans to gat you on the right track. Also most ceilings are 8’ high and door’s 6’8" high + casing, consider this hei to be the bottom of your shelf. I’ll check back to see if I was any help, or answer any other questions. Carpenter Matt
I got a ?. Does any one know where we can find pics of indoor ceiling layout like Jason is asking? I too am interested in assembling a ceiling railroad that spans my entire basement and through all the rooms, kind like the trolly on Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.
I always wanted a little train going from room to room.
Any help would be appreicated.
Jules Toy Trains makes a roadbed system for suspending trains from the ceiling. I saw one of these in a local hobby shop, and it looks cool. Here is the link: http://www.julestoytrains.com/
Hope this helps.
I have a ;ionel on a sfelf in my office. I used the open wire closet shelving I bought at the home dumpo. They have corner sections, coupling brackets, and the straaight sections can be cut to length. Also the shelf is wide enough to put on a passing track. I used wire ties to fasten down the track and the wiring. Oh and it didn’t cost an arm or a leg