Swing Gate and Turntable Pit - photo intensive- New Pics June '09

Sorry for posting so late, but I had not seen this thread before. This is impressive and so creative! A friend of mine is currently rebuilding his layout and is considering building a lift section. I’m going to make certain that he see this.

Excellent work, thank you for posting this [:D]

[quote user=“trainnut1250”]

Jan. 2009 - Thought you might enjoy an update on the projects-

Added a an arm to the gate and built a trestle on it:

Scratchbuilt trestle:

Another view:

Overview of scene:

Still more to do on the trestle underbrush.

Turntable update:

Scratch built the bridge from styrene based on the Sierra RWY Jamestown TT. The cardboard engine house is based off of the Yosemite Valley roundhouse in Merced. The pit is cast hydrocal. Am currently truing up the bridge trucks to track accurately on the pit rail.

Scratchbuilt bridg