Tahoe Model Works: still in business?

Deos anyone know if Tahoe Model Works is still in business? i want to buy 3 sets of their barber-bettendorf swing motion caboose trucks for my 3 athearn HO scale ATSF cabooses. Also what is the company’s address? I have a carson city address for it from 2008 but not sure if its still in use.

My LHS keeps their trucks in stock as best he can. I know he has sold out two orders of the Tahoe Model Works arch bar trucks (I’ve bought several pair). They/he seem to be slow to restock, though. Since I buy from my LHS, I can’t help you with an address.

Fred W

Here is the phone number I got for them off the internet. Call them and ask them.

5801 Sheep Dr
Carson City
Phone 882-8822

From what I can see on this search page I’d say so.