Tank car warning placards

I’ve seen tank car warning placards posted before but, as usual, the “Search the Community” function is worthless. I can find the actual railroad documents showing and describing these placards but I don’t want to have to print out 40 pages of these single-sign examples to get enough placards for my fleet of cars. Does anyone know a link to a printable set of these placards in HO scale?

I just Googled “Tank Car Warning Placards” and found several printable pages as well as links to decal sets. Oddly enough, one of the first pages to pop up was a 2011 post from this forum. Why can’t the Search the Community function find this?


I’m assuming You mean Hazmat Placards for Tank cars??

What I did quite some time ago, was purchase a couple of JL Innovative design Hazard/warning signs and copied all I wanted on My ink jet printer. You will need four (4) on every side of Tank Car/Trailer/Inntermodal Container:


They are out of stock but You should be able to get them some where else too.

I used a CA gel lightly to glue them on.

Take Care,[swg]


I have a few in this album, mostly older, pre-DOT/FRA/OSHA era:


Any individual one can be downloaded and imported into your graphic program.

Good Luck, Ed

Thanks Ed ! I think I need that Texas Beef Council for a billboard. [:P]


Era matters. Hazmat placards changed dramatically in the mid 1970’s and then again (but not quite as much) in the 1980’s-1990’s.

Of the Walther’s placards only 10 of them are for railcars, and are for the 1970-1990 era.

Pullman’s placards are for pre-1970’s cars.