Q: What are the benefits of each of the clubs and why should I join one, some, none or all?!?
Thanks in advance…
Q: What are the benefits of each of the clubs and why should I join one, some, none or all?!?
Thanks in advance…
I can only speak of L.O.T.S. (Lionel Operating Train Society) @ http://lots-trains.org/
I’ve been a member for about 10yrs now. IMO The high lites are;
Great bunch of people devoted to operating trains,
Bi-monthly mag called the ‘Switcher’ which has some good pics and articles from members,
An annual convention at different locations each year,
And exclusive member premiums (cars & engines).
Check them out!
It may be worth surfing their websites - which you’ve probably already done - to see what they offer - it may be worth like Allan mentioned on another board - to join a few for a year and see what you think…
Well, you have to be a TCA member to get into the big toy train shindig up in York, PA in April and October.
I guess you have to weigh the cost / benefit factor for them. They are probably all fine organizations but I personally have not seen fit to go through the process and pay the money to join any of them.
Thanks for the replies! I have been locally to the TCA/TTOS clubhouse and meet just last weekend My question was more greared towards the bigger picture.