I have 2 Trix Big Boy locomotives with basic decoders that I would like to have sound decoders installed in. Would the TCS WOWSound decoder be a reasonable choice or should I do Soundtraxx Tsunami 2200 (or LOKSound 5 even) ? I plan to have the sound decoders installed by a professional.
I think either one would be a good choice and both should have the sound files for a UP Big Boy. I don’t have any experience yet with Tsunamis but I do like the TCS Wows - especially their motor-control.
I’m normally a LokSound fan, and much prefer LokSound for my diesels. But for the Big Boy, you want Big Steam from SoundTraxx in the Tsunami 2. I have the factor installed ones in 4014 and 844, and the only sound decoder replacement that I plan to do is in 3985, replacing the MRC decoder with a Tsunami 2.
My go-to decoder for steam is the WOWsound V 4.6 in combination with Scale Sound speakers. I don’t care much for the voice assist programming but once you get the hang of it you can work with it. TCS also supplies a menu ‘tree’ with the decoder that makes choosing the sounds a little easier.
The very latest iteration of JMRI decoder Pro (5.10) has much improved support for V4.6 WOW decoders. I do use Tsunami2 in later diesels and ESU for first gen. diesels and I’ve tried both for steam and I’m still sold on the steam sounds included with the WOWsound 4.6.
The name is corny but they developed ‘chuffinity’ and, IMHO, it really does make a difference in varying the ‘cadence’ of the exhaust.
i have 30 big boys & all the decoders you listed , i would get big steam tsunami 2200 with the 4014 sound file on it .i have several with that decoder . love it