That old Athearn/Genesis/steam cracked gear topic

Summer is coming and this is the time of year I start to compile my summer projects (summer’s indoor time here in Phoenix). Well, there in my pile are those two Athearn Genesis steam engines, one of each, a 4-6-2 and 2-8-2 with their cracked axle gears and I thought maybe it’s been long enough that someone out there has come up with an easier fix.

Oh yes, I know, NWSL sells replacement gears. Going to order 3 just to have a back up. But, in refering to the old posts, it looks like the NWSL quarterer isn’t going to do it for me. I’m not a total dolt. I can do quite a few things and it looks like I’m on my own on this one. Anybody come up with any new methods they’ve tried in the last couple years (since this thread was active) that have helped?

e-mail athearn every couple of months. They said they will get them soon…

You can’t count on Athearn – I’ve had a replacement ordered for the Mikado since it was first released and they still don’t have any.

Athearn got in one shipment of driver wheelsets for the Mikados, and that was that. Have never had any for the Pacific.

I used the NWSL gear to fix mine (the gears are the same by the way). Made a tin jig to check/match the quartering before using their excellent little puller on the old drivers. I filed a little flat spot on the driver axle and roughened up the inside of the new gear very slightly with about 600 grit sandpaper, and then slid it on with a little two part epoxy to ensure it didn’t slip. I was a little worried about the driver but I slipped it back on with a little blue Loctite and it has been slick as a whistle ever since. In spite of the problem, I really like those little engines, and I have six of them, more than anything else besides P2K 2-8-8-2s.

mr moto: I have the replacement gear for the 4-6-2 light pacific. If you want it, PM me for details.

This issue has still not been resolved? Has anyone else received the replacement parts yet?

What a shame, I have to wonder if Athearn were still independent of Horizon if this nonsense would be allowed. [xx(]

I would assume Athearn is servicing this with a new driver / gear combo. If that is the case you have nothing to loose by replacing the gear yourself.

You do not need the NWSL quarterer. Just scribe a couple of lines on the axle / driver so you have a reference point when you replace the wheel.

Use a pie shaped mark like this >
