Hello all! I am new to the community, and am looking forward to learning from you all and sharing a bit of my work. For the last few years, I have been working on a medium n scale layout. The railroad is protofreelanced, set on the Western Slope in Colorado in the early 1950s. Below are a few images. It is still a work in progress, so I will update as things progress.
Wow! Have you ever considered trying to get in the pages of MR? Very, very nice!
I’ll second that motion.
Third. Would love to see that layout in print.
Mark Gosdin
Very nice! Great work,looking forward to seeing more. Another fellow Nscale modeler.
Thank you all for the kind words! It’s great to be able to share the layout with fellow modelers. I’ve thought about writing something up, but the layout is still only around 60% complete. I may try and pull something together as time allows over the summer. I will certainly seek guidance from the forum here on pulling it together.
The photo below gives a “birds eye” view of the majority of the layout.
Welcome to the Forum.
Looking at what I see, “learning “will be a 2-way street.
Thanking you for sharing your work.
Cheers, the Bear.
Great layout, Casey! I also have an N layout, but mine is not anywhere as impressive as what you’ve accomplished.
Please keep us with posts as you make progress.
I agree with the others very nice and the way it’s sits in the room well thought out
Good to see that you have curved the back scenes. Nothing spoils a good effect more than a square corner in the sky.
Welcome on board, Casey.
I agree with all the above comments. Well done.
Hi, Casey.
Like the layout. I grew up in Basalt, CO, where the Aspen Branch left the main line. It was a division point and helper station, so it had a roundhouse, etc. All gone except the depot and “eating house”. I model the Crystal River Railroad from Carbondale to Marble, circa 1945. Have D&RG GP7, GP9, and 4-unit FT set in the original mostly black scheme, and freelance locomotives for Crystal River. Haul mostly coal/coke and marble.
Welcome back to the forum, Steve.
If you have any layout photos, I’m sure everyone would like to see some. There’s a Weekend Photo Fun thread.
Hi Steve,
Basalt is a beautiful town out there in the Roaring Fork. I imagine it was a great spot to grow up. It would be great to see some photos of your layout. I am working on the Marble line, with a branch running from Redstone to Marble off my main over McClure. I won’t be able to model the full extent of the Marble works, but am hoping to create a very compressed scene. I also plan to model the coke ovens at Redstone and am keen to see what you did there.
Below is a photo of my model of CR number 1. Basically just a modified Bachmann 4-6-0.
Hi, Casey,
I typed a long paragraph on my project, then tried to get pictures. Took a bit to change things from j-peg, but I got these. The Marble mill is above Redstone, that is why the photo underneath the mill.
Carbondale is fairly complete. Redstone also continues to the left, with the coal crusher/washer (a model condensed from the Edna Mine which was above Oak Creek, CO, and is offered as the Champion Mine [if that is the three-bay one]). You can barely see three-rail track at the station, which you will probably recognize and I have had for 45 years. Placita and Marble are up the helix, which is not complete yet. I do have all the buildings, but no turntable for Marble. Narrow gauge track will climb the cliff that covers the helix.
Better quit for now, and hope this sends. Be well. E-mail is trainlover4512@gmail.com, if you want to also communicate that way.
Wow, that is a spectacular steam era layout!
Hi Steve,
Thanks for sharing these! The Marble plant looks awesome. You have done a nice job capturing the look of that long building. I’ve hikes around the ruins and that facility was massive. Your coke ovens at Redstone are great too. I am still trying to figure out how I will approach those. Did you cast the stone ovens or use a sheet of rock wall material (Chooch or equivalent)?
Glad to hear you are modeling the narrow gauge above Redstone as well! Looking forward to seeing more of your layout! I will reach out to bounce ideas off you and get your thoughts as I start building out Redstone and Marble.