The Greater Houston Train Show

The SanJac Train show is this Saturday Feb 16th

There will be some Home layouts open both Saturday and Sunday

Here’s a link for more Info

My friend Art Borman’s layout will be open Sunday Feb 17

Art Andrew and I will be running trains from 1 till 5 pm

Come join us


I think Chuck Ellis and I will be coming down Saturday to look over a few layouts…he knows Gil Freitag, so I guess we’ll definitely be visiting his layout. I’ll see if I can talk him into visiting Al’s layout.

Don Z.

Your gonna love Freitags layout he and Chuck are on the same level

Gil’s layout takes up the whole upstairs of his house with floor to ceiling senery

hundreds of feet of hand laid track and more scratch built structers than you’ll be able to


His gauntlet trussle is really something to see

His wife Virgina has a great G gauge railroad in the yard

Art’s layout is only open on Sunday

Don’t think i’ll make the show this year. All i do is spend money there and still have kits i’ve purchased at previous shows that i haven’t even opened and built yet from 5 years ago. Think i’ll spend the day working on my layout so i’ll have more done for the fall home layout tour this Sept. - December…chuck

Ah yes but is there a better way to spend money ?

Hope you get on the tour this fall I would love to see your layout !

If you are coming to the show try to avoid using I-10

I wish I could go to the show this weekend.

And I agree with you on general principles…avoid I-10. I very much prefer to take backroads to Houston if at all possible. [:D]

Good idea

Sometimes they also do closures with out notice

Bump [:-^]

Today is the day

I’ll try to take some photos to post

Headed to the Show right now… maybe I’ll se you there! (Just won’t know who will be you!)


I’ll be the old guy in the straw hat


Chuck Ellis and I made it down to the show…we toured all 4 layouts that were open today. It’s now 3:40 AM - I got home about an hour ago and just finished downloading the camera. I took 230 photos, so I’ll weed through them later today and try to post a couple to share…

Don Z.

Cannot wait for those photos.

That I-10 will sink into the earth starting at the Sabine and working in both directions if they dont increase the pace of construction.

Here are a couple of photos that I took:

This photo is from the layout of Greg Johnson. His railroad is The Allegheny Terminal in 1955.

This is from the layout of Don Bozman. His railroad is The Great Great Northern and was featured in MR’s Great Model Railroads 1993 if I remember correctly.

Don Z.

I would have liked to have gone but I have to work this weekend… One of the guys from work is going to be there working one of the layouts and said he would fill me in on everything next time I see him. And like cwclark said, I really have no business going even if I could because I would end up blowing money I shouldn’t. I’ve got rolling stock now that I never run that I have hundreds of dollars tied up in…



I can relate to the money comment, but luckily, in my opinion I was pretty disappointed in the actual show at the Stafford Center. There were only a couple of layouts on display and the vendor tables weren’t very impressive…I actually made several passes through each aisle trying to find something to buy…but nothing caught my eye. I can pay full list any day of the week!

I’m glad I went simply to enjoy the layout tours. Chuck Ellis, who attended with me and is my modeling mentor, had his layout featured in the December 2001 issue of Model Railroader. His layout was also featured in one of Allan Keller’s videos. I feel very lucky to have him as a friend and mentor in this hobby.

Don Z.