The Krambles-Peterson Archive

Hello everyone! Listen, I’ve got a friend doing an article on the Milwaukee Roads Hiawathas. I’ve heard the Krambles-Peterson Archive (of Chicago area railroads) makes their photos available to authors. Does anyone know how to contact those folks? I’ve looked for a Website and/or an address and can’t find a thing. Thanks for any assistance you can render!

Was there ever a response to this question? We are also looking for a contact address.


Nope, can’t help you buddy, I never heard a thing. SOMEBODY must know SOMETHING! I know this Archive exists!

I think this is a situation where Art wants to keep ‘casual’ viewers away from the archives.

Your friend should contact one of the authors or established researchers who have already obtained material from the Archives, and get the contact information that way.

If he is unable to make contact privately with anyone who has used the collection, he might be able to get a message to Art via the address for the Krambles Scholarship Fund, Box 425, Lake Forest IL 60045-0425. Be businesslike and professional – I suspect the collection will not be ‘open’ to amateurs with little knowledge of how to care for privately-curated archive material…

Art lost his mom February 17th (at 100!) so you might want to leave a little more time before making a request.

OK, understandable. Very understandable. You don’t want riff-raff like me playing with your stuff, that’s for sure. Sometimes I don’t want riff-raff like me playing with my stuff either!