The Atlas Code 55 stuff looks great. I was worried that once I ballasted it I would get ballst on the inside of the rails that would derail equipment. Have you had any issues, or is it as reliable as the Code 80 stuff?
You do have to be careful when you ballast the Atlas code 55 but as long as your rolling stock is RP25 compliant you should be fine.
How about a review!? I’ve been wanting to get a set of those ever since I switched to N scale, but I’ve never really seen how they look or run. If you could give just a quick little review that would be great.
Just finished a “fun” N scale project… I added PRR Trainphone antennas to my Kato E8. I used Gold Medal Models’ Trainphone stanchions and .015" wire. I used extra-thick gap-filling CA glue. Turns out Poly Scale Mineral Red is a close match to Kato’s interpretation of PRR Tuscan.
Here’s the model straight from the box and onto my layout (I did have to add a drop-in decoder, though):
Here’s the prototype:
Here’s my version. Still needs some very light weathering:
Howdy fellow N scalers!
I haven’t begun to build my layout yet…Need to make a new plan for a removable layout I can place on top of our billiards table. But that shouldn’t be too hard.
But I can still share a few pictures of some of my favorite pieces of equipment I have accumulated.
SB Locomotives - Project Steasel
Con-Cor - CSX Veranda Turbine
Bachmann - PRR DD40X
And I have a shot of my Atlas C630 and SD60M double heading on my DeLuxe Innovations RoadRailers; the pictures was taken on the Sykesville & Patapsco’s Model Railroading Club N scale layout.
That’s going to be a very rightious rendition of the prototype!
And Scott, nice to see you buddy! That DD40X is quite impressive!
Nice job on that trackwork.
I haven’t had a problem since ballasting, but I am running the low profile flanges on all my rolling stock. I did have to regauge the wheelsets on all my locos to the wide side of standard to get them to run smoothly through the code 55 turnouts. This makes them a little rough through that Peco single slip though.
Sure thing!!
Let me first say, you will NOT be dissapointed! These are great cars. The detail is very nice, and the cars are RTR out of the box. I was amazed a the quality. The magneting coupler pins can be attached if needed for automatic uncoupling. Make sure they are pins are high enough, they WILL catch on turnouts and crossings (ie- 90 degree crossing) The couplers are mounted on trucks, and have metal wheels. VERY free rolling. Can be lighted from the inside. 5 out of 5. ( Can there be a 6 out of 5?? [;)] )
TheP42, again, is true kato quality and is a smmmoooooooth runner. I got mine used, w/ a decoder for $65 including shipping of ebay. [:D] The engine comes with working ditchlights, but are lightd through the same LED as the headlight. Not sure if it is the most recent run, but it is phase 5. You will love it. The detail is fantastic. 5 out of 5.
One p42 can esily pull sets A, B, and C together, but you may like the look of mltiple locos on that long of a train.
BTW, kato just announced KOBO N scale p42’s with everything installed and DCC, but it is over $100.
Let me know if you want me to tell you sny specifics about the models. Hope this helps!
N 55 (at least the atlas stuff) has worked fine for us. The only problem we have is when we use some of dad’s stuff that he has had since before i was born (18+ years). And we simply replace the trucks and they work.
I like the idea of an ‘N only’ forum, as stated, it is for us Normal people. I hadn’t heard that one before and I like it…[;)]
Well my dad and I have all of our benchwork DONE!!! I will take pictures as soon as i clean it up and make it presentable.
And I love Kato stuff as well. Last year i saved up and bought the Super Chief set, and it runs lke a dream. I am in the process of superdetailing the locomotives as per an MR article awhile back.
Love the thread lets keep it up!!!
Dave, starting this thread was a great idea. Now us “N” people have some where to hang out. Stan.
Very good, I look foreward to some Normal discussions.
Here is a question almost nobody respons to, but hopefully some here may have a link or a clue of some sort.
I would like sound for my Concor GS4 the little woman gave me for christmas last year. What combination of board and speaker would be recomended. Unless there are some special challenges I feel comfortable doing the install myself.
Has anyone done a sound install on an N scale steamer? Do you have pics? How does it sound?
Ok, here’s my stuff so far. Bear in mind I am NOT a photographer, nor do I have great photo equipment. I recently started laying track. I began with the main body of my central yard, BNSF’s North Yard in Saginaw, TX. Here is a pic looking SE across that yard toward downtown Fort Worth.
The second shot is one of BNSF’s and UP’s bridges across the Trinity River between North Yard and downtown FtW. The foreground bridge is built from a Plastruct kit–so for all practical purposes it is scratch built. The far bridge is a Kato Unitrack brigde bashed for my purpose here.
From an old HO guy: Yeah, N-scale rocks. If I were starting again, even at my age (59) I’d go N. On the other hand, I love my HO’s, too, and if I still had the Lionels from my childhood I’d love them too. Once they get the sound decoders and speakers down to N-scale, that’s the gauge that will rule the world. Excellent work, all of you.
My little “N” scale layout, just starting.Its not much yet!!
Here is one more pic from my new layout. This was the true beginningn of the layout. It is a scratchbuilt yard tower and office from North Yard in Saginaw, TX.
Great work guys! hopefully ill get back to some trains soon after I recover from my surgery
Thanks for starting this thread. Houses on this island are not noted for large rooms, and this one is no exception. My layout room is only 10 feet long by 7 1/2 feet wide. It took some real work to design a layout to fit in it. The room also hosts my collection of 1/25 scale cars and trucks. What I designed is an out and back switching layout that runs around three walls. There’s an 8 track yard at one end that leads to a rural area. That then leads to a town with a respectable sized industrial district. It’s all one train operation, so it is actually simply run from one powerpack. Thank goodness for N scale. I don’t think I could ever find room in this house for a workable HO scale layout.
Well, as many of you know, I had to tear down the last layout so we could move. Now we’re in the new place and the boxes are mostly unpacked.
This morning the train room looked like this:
Lots of fun if you’re into guitars, but not much for trains.
I took two hours this morning and changed all that though.
I built the first of a whole lot of benchwork. I’ve got a long way to go, but I had to get more wood for some cross braces and such. Here it is now:
My road will be a freelanced road based on the Belfast & Moosehead Lake RR called the Autumns Ridge Railway & Navigation Company. I’ve done a lot of studying of this road and my
Great work guys! hopefully ill get back to some trains soon after I recover from my surgery
Surgery? Everything OK? Get well soon!