The "N" Crowd

I thought maybe we could start a thread for us N-scalers. I know there are already several “chat” threads out there, but I thought it might be nice to have a spot for us to talk about the world of 1:160 modeling. After all, we’re the second most popular scale out there!

For starters, I’d love to see more of Phillip’s Code 55 track and his locomotive projects!

I would also love to see pictures of other N scale layouts - complete, under construction, or just a plan!

Here’s a shot on my N scale Pennsylvania Railroad layout:

Sounds like a good idea to me…I am working on a small portable N scale layout…nothing fancy but lots of fun…Cox 47

I am modeling the pieces of the Alaska Railroad. Got a 12x13 foot area in the basement. Winging it on the planning and I am working on the fourth interation of this empire. Just finished the benchwork for my yard. I will be connecting the yard to the mainline via a bridge/duckunder or whatever that is called. Someday I will figure out how to post pictures to this site. But until than, if you follow this link to John’s wesite and click on the “Parkers locomotives” (middle of page) you will see some of my work. Peter

this is great!!! I just switched over from HO, and could learn a lot with this thread. BTW, Just got the kato superliner sets A and B and a P42 phase 5!!! YAY!

I’ll bite! Here’s a couple of shots from my Firebaugh Rail Lines.

Pacific #1384 steaming past Rockeater Gravel:

Pacific #1384 teetering on the ledge against the rock face above Raritan Creek:

U25B #2508 ready for departure pulling the River turn.

Hello Dave and all!

Nice to have a thread devoted to N scale, even if there are other forums specializing in the scale.

Here is a photo from the corner of my layout looking under a short, scratchbuilt trestle. The trestle isn’t much, I just needed something to bridge the gap and slapped this together!

Here is the Main Street showing the bank building. No signs on it, but I built it as a bank so that’s what I call it! It, too, was slapped together with some plaster castings from a mold I made off of a plastic sheet of brick.

Finally, here is a shot of a short section of mainline with some sidings. This is deceptive because it looks like there is more to the layout than what is really there.

I recently bought a new Nikon Coolpix camera. As soon as I figure out how to use it properly, I’ll take some better pictures and post a few here. Sorry if the photos take some time to download for dial-up users. One of these days I’ll also learn how to reduce the size of my photos! LOL

Darrell, quiet…for now

Finally ! A space for us _N_ormal people. [swg]

I wish I had photos of my layout to show; but I don’t have a digital camera. [:(] Even if I did, I’ve only begun to lay track so there isn’t much to show. Only 2 turnouts (as a crossover) and 4 pieces of flextrack have been laid. I’m currently waiting for a working cantilevered signal bridge (that I’m having custom made for the crossover) to arrive before I go too much further.

FYI, I am using Atlas code 55 flextrack and turnouts, with Atlas under-table switch machines. DCC is planned; but I’m still not sure which system to use.

If I can “steal” a digital camera from someone, I’ll be able to post some photos.

Darrell : Great photos ! If that trestle is “slapped together”, you can come “slap together” anything you want here ! [swg]

here is my european layout:

I will tear it down soon and build a new SP layout

Well Dave, I’m for it. I have some HO rolling stock that I operate on the club layout (a couple of freight consists and an ACL heavy weight passenger consist). My space at home is limited so my future Erie is gong to be in N scale. My experience in N is limited. I started an N scale layout from Atlas track plans back in the middle 60’s that started from an Arnold-Rapido train set, but never got off the ground as four tours to Nam and the Navy kept us on the move. I recieved a Bachmann “Empire Builder” set back in the middle 80’s, bought some Atlas flex track and again started another Atlas track plan layout, but time was the culprit this time as my time is/was limited. I’m an over the road trucker and I’ll be retired next year. You can see my experience in N is very limited, even more so with the new electronics and gadgets out there now. However I feel that actual modeling won’t be any different from HO except in a smaller scale. So yes, I’m all for your idea here. Ken

Wow, what a great response so far!

Cox 47, can’t wait to see construction pictures.

Peter, we need some pictures! 12x13 is an awesome space for N scale; I just posted a 10x12 PRR trackplan on another thread you may like.

Nataraj, nothin’ runs like a Kato!

Roadeater, great scenery! I really like the rockwork.

Darrell, you have a serious eye for detail. Good stuff. Tim’s right; that’s hardly “slapped together.”

Tim, how’s that Code 55 working out for you? I considered it for a while, but wasn’t sure my tracklaying skills were up to the task.

Denny, great sites and great layouts! The SP is going to be a sight to see when you’re done.

Eriediamond, a fellow resident of NC! I’m here through 2008 before the Air Force moves me to (or at least that’s the current plan). Four tours in , wow… Thanks for your service! One tour in was plenty for me!

Here’s a vanity shot of yours truly demonstrating what I think is N scale’s main advantage… portability!

Me? I’m humbled!

Naw, you don’t need any more of that garbage!

Right now there’s not much to show. We just moved a few weeks ago and I’m just beginning to see the end of the boxes. I did hang lights last weekend though.

The new train room is up from the old 9x9 foot room to a new 10.5x15 room. Not much to see right now though…

The trains will share the room with my other hobby…

As for projects, I have a few in the works, but the move kinda put the brakes on them. These are a couple that have a long way to go, but they’re ruffed in…

An inspection loco…(sorry, I was playing with photo editing software)

And an 1880’s era camelback…

Lottsa work to be done there! I’ve got a couple more projects in the works, but nothing that’s worth showing.

I’ve got a track plan for the new room. It’s a double decker with staging under that. It’s basically a class 1 RR interchange with a small shortline, and then the shortline is the rest of the layout. It’s set in 1930’s mid coast Maine and the shortline runs from the country interchange to the shoreline (Ocean) docks in the tow

Dave (or anyone else), just one dumb question… when posting pics to the forum, do the photos have to have their own storage area or can you post to the forum? I don’t have a webserver so no place to store my photos (web accessable anyway).

MRR has posted instructions on just that issue here:

You do have to upload the pictures to an online storage site like photobucket. That’s the one I use and it’s real easy (and free!). Here’s the site: . There’s some other sites that do this too, like railimages and webshots, but I like photobucket better myself.

THIS IS WHY I LOVE N SCALE!!! A crap load of action in a small corners sized space. Try gettin the with HO scale.

Starting co aquire engines and cars right now. We have a small un sceniced, stow away layout without scenery just to run stuff for the time being. Eventually going to build an unattached garage so the current garage can be converted to a layout room (19x21).

Eventual “plan” is a semi fictional-semi prototypical layout loosely based on the EL from Buffalo to the Corning area as if the old DL&W main had been used instead of the old Erie in that lane. Circa 1970 about…and to add some additional Variety, D&H runs a run through train a day each way from Mpontral/Boston/Mechanicsville to NW at Bufflalo…AND…the LV main between Sayre and Buffalo became so bad that an agreement was reached for them to run over the EL to Bufflao putting several through LV frieghts a day over the line.

With the availability of code 55 track and the really nice engines and cars now especially in EL and LV paint it is a great time to get back in. My wife is expressed interest in scenery and architecture so this may end up being soemthing we share together which would work out great.

I think this thread is a great idea. I havn’t participated in the other chat threads much because they are too broad and not very interesting to me, but this idea has promise.

You can see the stats on my new under construction layout below. This is my second layout, bothe in N scale. The first was a 4x4 MoPac town in west central MO where I grew up based in 1983, the year of merger with UP. It was great fun for about 5 years and a great learning experience.


You guys know I will be in on this one!! I am going to start laying track this weekend!! I will post pics when I can… Also RR redneck what drum corps is your avatar. Almost looks like the scouts but I cant tell. or is it an HS Marching Band? Also Check out my layout here!! and here is the new track plan,


I am in the very early stages of construction of my N scale layout, which has to share its footprint with bookshelves, TV/video components, and a ferret cage. As a result, the layout is a bookshelf design, hugging the walls some 50 inches above the floor. The prototype is the UP in southeastern Oregon in 1945, but there is a fare number of freelance ideas in the design.

The bench work is now completed, and backdrop painted the initial white to blue gradient, and this weekend I’ll add the lighting (it is just too dark in the corners to continue work).

Here’s the plan:

You can see some photos and read additional information about the layout here:

I’ve been back in N-scale for a few years, but have been idle over the past year or so. Lack of a hobby budget, kids, and other projects around the house has taken most of my focus off model railroading. I occasionally run trains on my 7’x11’ L-shaped layout (loosely based on the ‘Atlantic Long haul’ Atlas plan). I also used to have pictures up on the Rail Images site, but took them down a while back as I intended to take new ones at some point.

Perhaps this winter I can get back on track.

Thanks Dave! I must say that it was your previous incarnation of the PRR that was my inspiration for building this layout. Your scenery is superb and photography skills are excellent! I’ll also weigh in on the the code 55: I love it! I found it pretty easy to work with and my track work has been supremely reliable with it. The only problem I had was with an Atlas 11 degree crossing, my VO-1000 was guarenteed to stall on those large plastic frogs every time - three sets of wheels would lose contact with the rails. I replaced it with a Peco single slip with powered frogs and those operation problems are history, now I’m just left with the visual mismatch of the Peco track vs. the Atlas track (some pics below).

Atlas code 55 before I ballasted:

Atlas 11 degree crossing:

Peco code 55 single slip:
