THeey're Baaaaack! The Juneco 150' Howe Truss Bridge

Built one of these three years ago from an old kit I bought at a hobby show. When I took it to Maritime Hobbies (my LHS) and showed it to Mike (owner) he got on the phone immediately to see if Juneco was going to do another run on this oldie but goodie. At the time Juneco said no but after much prodding from Mike, Juneco has re-released it. I’ll tell you now it’s easier to put together then it looks and is actually easier than the CVMW Pratt Truss Bridge to assemble… Well maybe. All in all it’s an excellent kit and for $39 Canadian it’s well worth it.'+Howe+Truss+Bridge&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sb&gfe_rd=cr&hl=en&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ei=ShhtU5jaBIqu8AG7uYGADA&ved=0CCMQsAQ


Maybe thy’re bAAAAck, but I can’t tell that from your link. I’ve tried three separate times today, and all I get is a big white screen with a # in the upper left corner.

I get a ton of pictures when I click on the link. There are pictures of bridges both built and still in the box, and there are a whole bunch of apparently un-related pictures including one of Steven Otte. Very confusing. If the OP didn’t intend for all of those pictures to show up then I suspect that they have a bug in their computer. I went through a similar experience two years ago. The problem was eliminated with updated antivirus software.


Actually, when you put Juneco Howe Truss Bridge in Google Images, that page of photos shows up. The bridge that the OP is referring to is the one sitting on the table in front of the window on a wintry day.

And, yes, Steven Otte is not related to Fergmiester. [(-D]


Shoulda’ Wouda’ Coulda’ Did this:

Click on Pic for more stuff, when you get to the pic’s click on this one and it will get larger and another view.


If you want to feel faint, take a look at the parts in the box before construction of the bridge is started:



Piece of cake! I want one!


Is that what you guys mean by a shake the box kit? How many shakes would it take to fall together?

No, this is not a shake-the-box kit. This is a craftsman type kit. This would be a pleasure to build.

Shake-the-box kits are like Athearn’s blue box plastic car kits.


''This would be a pleasure to build. ‘’

You’re a Man after My own heart.[Y]

Frank [:D]

Sorry for the lack of pics as I did take a few once I finished it. But until I’m back on “dry land” you’ll have to wait.

As to the kit it’s self it took me a year or two to complete (about 60 to 80 hours in total). It wasn’t that the kit was hard to do but living the life of mariner and homesteader one gets pulled in many directions. My kit building is reserverd for the nights at sea when we’re not rock’n and a roll’n! As to the difficulty of the kit, well that’s hard to say. Yes it has many peices and yes it can be tedious. However patience, a steady hand and an ability to RTFI (read the fabulous intststructions) goes a long way. The Instructions are very good and the diagrams are excellent!

I’m so impressed with the kit that despite the fact I have nowhere to put a second one… I bought one anyway! Now I will have to make another gorge!


I have bought a few Bridges over the years, simply because I enjoy building them. I also enjoy building sailing ships, especially like a 44gun English Man-A-War. but I will be honest, I have never attempted to build one, while I was rocking and roilling on the high sea’s. That could not only be a challenge, but a catastrophe. [bow]

Take Care! [:D]


My computer blocked the page “to prevent cross scripting”.

I would rather have a link of where I can purchase one. Lots of vendors list Juneco products but none of them seem to have this bridge, nor can I find a site.


Hobbylinc. has a Campbell bridge that is very close to the Juneco one, if interested:


BTW: I just ordered one. I have 4600+ reward points to use up, so it should be about half price. [Y]

The new ones do not come in a box but rather a bag and can be ordered through Maritime Hobby and Craft

Don’t tell them I sent ya because they might start to laugh
