Thomas Tank explodes, kids ask for more

Hello, to get kids interested in trains, try this.

Please enjoy a custom made Thomas Tank story with a explosive action sequence.

I have been told that Kids love this twisted Thomas tale.


Thats funny,

I better not mention ‘Ernest the Engine’, oops… too late! [;)]


very funny!


Theres actually quite a few Thomas parady subjects out there, my favorites are Thomas clips edited together with the soundtrack from the Brit comedy show “the Young Ones”

Also do a search for “Ernest the Engine”, quite cheeky!

I wonder if that film was funded by a grant from the Gomez Adams Foundation?? [:-^]

That was the greatest thing I have seen since the Addams Family!


bvery funny, there are two videos that are funny on youtube. Search Phoniex wrong railroad edition and phoneix wrong railway style. by the way, there is swearing.(but most of it is bleeped out)

HA HA My goodness that was a hoot!!

JUst once in a Thomas skit I want to hear after someone has wrecked." Sir Topham hat was P!$$D "

ROFL is all i can say

i think that that show is to funny as well as the affects but i think they should of us Hornby or other Thomas The Tank Engine Ho scale models in the making of that show.If to replay to me go to


I seen it and it’s funny like hack I laugh my butt off but I think they should used Ho hornby trains besides Ertl train because that is kind of stupid to use Ertl trains besides Hornby or any kind of Ho scale thomas’s.

yeah, I just showed my 4-year old thomas obsessed counsin it and he had a shocked expression! He thought it was good.