Your thoughts on this engine? How does it run, detail, sound, paint, etc?
I owned the originally released non-streamlined version and it was one of the nicest plastic engines I ever owned. The detailing was excellent. It ran well, and the paint was very good (this is coming from someone who refuses to buy Athearn diesels due to their poor quality control history in recent years).
I had the non-sound version, so cannot comment on sound.
The newer versions with the skyline caseing are fantastic!
They have great detail, generic Soundtraxx Tsunami sound, and excellent paint!
However, the chuff is not in sync with the wheels out of the box. You’ll have to screw around with the CVs to fix it.
The running isn’t great either. The 2nd driver has the traction tire, which makes the model do a wheelie occasionally, because the drivers are unbalanced. Only a few have this problem.
hope this helps!
My MT-4 runs great and will crawl along at < 2 scale mph. Setting CV 116 to 200 should synchronize the sound.
I really only have 2 criticisms of the model. One is that the blowdown spreaders are missing (easily rectified by castings from PSC). The other is that the engine number at the rear of the tender is too small and in wrong location for post 1946 lettering.
I am amazed that the OP received quite eloborate answers in complete sentences to his rather snappy questions.
To the OP - a little more politeness certainly helps to get the answers you may expect. After all, people dedicate their leisure time to answer you - keep that in mind next time you want know something.
Snappy and impolite?
Let’s check this out.
Nope, can’t figure that one. Looks like a pretty straightforward posting asking for opinions on a specific model.
Apparently, none of the people answering the OP’s questions had a problem with it either.
I don’t think at all my question was as you call “snappy”.
My question was direct and included what I needed to know, nothing else. What would you like me to write? A letter three paragraphs long before I get to the question?
I do appreciate the answers that were posted, much appreciated.
I find it sad when a good forum like this one is being turned into a platform on which people continue texting as if this were a mobile phone.
Apparently I belong to a different generation of people who still take offense in this, IMHO, crippled communication.
You may rest assured that I won´t be bothering you with an answer to any of your future questions.
So, stop texting.
I like to be direct and ask what I need to know. Worked well for me in my 40 year career in senior management. My employees always seemed to appreciated it.
Now that I am 70 I’m not about to change.
You do realize like everything else in life internet related this entire forum is set up for mobil(aka cell) application?
I don’t like it either, why do I want to squint? There is a reason I have a 17inch laptop and a 65 inch TV[:D]
Does everyone else agree this entire site looks stupid when viewed on a computer and you get to use the middle 2/3 of your screen… But, it’s unavoidable now sadly.
As to the new MT-4, while I have not seen one in person, but a club member was running one last week and he had nothing but good things to say about it when we were talking about it. Ran very well, unlike my Genesis Northern 4-8-4. Double the price of 10 years ago and quality is garbage
I set up this page so it nearly fills the entire screen - much easier to read, much easier to handle this way.
Believe it or not, I don´t even own a cell phone, let alone a smartphone. I just don´t have the need to being called while I am doing my business in a rest room or paying my bill at the cashier´s of the supermarket.
Ironic, isn’t it, that most of the verbiage on this page has little to do with the original post?
Ironic or not, it wouldn’t have happened if not for the unwarranted criticism leveled against the OP.
Actually, I also prefer questions that are written in full sentences and thus show a modicum of respect toward the target audience. The only reason I even bothered to comment on the MT-4 was as a counterpoint to a reply by someone else. Otherwise, I was disinclined to respond to the OP.
I would have worded it somewhat differently, but I agree with Sir Madog.
Not to drag this out to the point of stupidity, but I really don’t understand this concern over a question posed in short form vs full sentences.
It would seem to me, and I assume it does to the people who took the time to reply, that the point is that the question is understood.
Whether or not that’s accomplished in a couple of lines or by stretching it out through full sentences is something to be decided by the OP.
If the fact that it’s done in a shorter form is offensive to you or anyone else is obvisously a personal matter.
But, I would suggest that if you do take offence to questions or comments written in this style, you take the most obvious
I myself would have preferred the questions to be a little bit more complete, but I was able to answer.
I do understand the folks who are getting frustrated at the lack of good grammar on forums such as this. Clear concise communication should not be going out of style, but sadly for many it is.
Honestly, if I communicated in the emails for my engineering work as some folks communicate in online forums, I would no longer have employment.
“Don’t reply.”
I didn’t. I replied to someone who took the trouble to use complete sentences.
You’re absolutely right about the state of grammar today, however I’m compelled to make a point.
Not too long ago, a young model railroader posted a topic in one of these forums.
There were a number of grammatical and spelling mistakes in his post, but as I recall no one took him to task for them.
The people who responded were all polite and offered advice to help him get into the hobby.
To me, that’s the point of this forum.
A community of people with similar interests coming together to help each other with the many facets of this hobby.
I’m sure there are things that people might do that could be offensive to some. But I’d suggest that those are the kinds of things that would get your account suspended, not an incorrect verb, spelling mistake or not phrasing a question in exactly the way that someone prefers.
First and foremost, this forum exists for the exchanging of information to help the people on here and those just reading the forum with their modelling.
If someone’s lack of language skills or the way the phrase something is offensive to someone, they have the option to simply move on to the next post.
Actually, you did.
The original post was made by David Fortney.
PRR8259 replied, followed by Trainman440, followed by you.
If you intended to reply to one of the people who replied in “complete sentences”, you should have added a quote so people would know you were talking to them, not the OP.