Timonium Show

It seems that the website for the Great Scale Model Train Show in Timonium, MD is no longer in service. It is about time for hotel reservations to be made. Does anyone have an update on the status of the Feb. 3-4 show?

I have been away from the forum for several months, but did look back through the past month of postings without seeing anything under such a title. If I missed an announcement, I apologize. I attended the October show in Timonium and found a good locomotive, but also noticed that attendance at that show seemed to be down from previous sessions. Any updates appreciated.


Howard Zane might know. They only post on their Facebook page a couple times a year. Maybe their server is down.

Don’t bother looking at the MD Fairgrounds calendar, there is nothing there.

No idea on the next show, but I always stay at the Red Roof on the Baltimore side of fairgrounds, it was one of the renovated ones and is clean and cheap. Directly across the light rail tracks from the far parking entrance to the fairgrounds - cross the tracks and turn left into the fairgrounds.


Are you looking at an old website? I just checked and it came up for me: http://www.gsmts.com/

Yep, it was no go in the 11:30 time frame today.

Whew! Maybe their server was down (still no updates on vendors for the Feb. show). It would be a shame for one of the largest model train shows to go down. I checked their site a couple times before posting my question and it was absent. It is a long drive for me but worth the effort. Last time I found an HO brass NWSL Heisler for only $200 that runs great once I lubricated it.

I guess that I can go ahead and make those hotel reservations and then hope that the blizzards stay away that weekend. Thanks, y’all.


Is this it?


Note: I no longer co-own or co-run the Timonium show. The show is definetly on for the 3rd and 4th of February and it is the largest of the four shows per year. Scott Geare usually posts the current vendor list two weeks prior to show. You may reach him at 484 823 4809 for assistance or questions.


Just checked and as of 6:10PM the web site is up.


Yeah it was down back when the OP posted and I posted my reply, but it is working now.
