TMCC help needed

I just bought my first TMCC engine, and here is the rest of the story. Clerk in the shop tells me I have to get the TMCC Direct Lockon which he says is nothing more than a surge protector. He tells me if I so much as derail or have any other power issues I can fry the components in the engine and it will cost hundreds to fix and it won’t be a warranty repair. I say ok, what’s another $35 for insurance.
Here’s the kicker. I have a single loop track w/switches to an inner loop so its just one continuous track. He tells me now I can no longer run my conventional engines because l will have to use my transformer to speed up and slow down etc. and the current won’t be steady and it will ruin the TMCC Direct Lockon which requires a steady current.
He told me to run conventional on the track I have to buy a Double Pole/Double Throw toggle switch with 6 connections and run the power from the transformer to the center connections on the Toggle and then from one side run power to the TMCC Direct Lockon (power will then go out from the TMCC Direct Lockon to the track), and on the other side of the toggle run power directly to another section of track. I would use the toggle switch to choose between TMCC operation and conventional.
Does this sound accurate and make sense. Can’t I just hook the TMCC Direct Lockon up like it shows in the book that it came with and not worry about it when I’m running conventional? Will the fluctuation of power from running conventional destroy the TMCC Direct Lockon ?


Oh by the way, I would appreciate posted replies copied to my e-mail,
as I can’t always easily get back to the forum.

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I’ve heard some strange ones in my time, but that takes the cake!

Its OK, he posted the question on the Classic Model trains forum where most of the Lionel types hang out and got all his questions answered.