. … . … —
Underscores, not hyphens, MacDonald.
Sorry I removed the post after finding out there was an effort underway to fix something I was complaining about. Mum is the word but once it becomes public in the future I will mention it. [:D]
Sad thing is, within a couple of days, we’ll still manage to find something to argue about on this topic.
What?!? No, we won’t! [}:)]
Hot crackers I take exception to that!!!
Why do you take exception to hot crackers? They taste pretty good, especially with cheese.
Yes, but…
I thought the expression referred to explosive devices, not crunchy gluten-based molar exercise units.
Argue or converse?
Don’t you think that square should be circular? Who has ever heard of a square period/marker?
Every single post made on this thread so far is wrong. What’s the deal with you people?
Wait…there’s a difference?
One doesn’t have to argue to have a converstation. Argument is the lack of conversation - blasting ‘ideas’ at the other without hearing what is being said in return.
Here we go.
It’s amazing what a . can do.
See… there’s that square again.
Conversation is civilized discourse.
Argument is vehement discourse, where there are different points of view. Usually they imply that each party thinks they are ‘right’ and the other is ‘wrong’ – you can have conversations that are argumentative, but if they don’t work toward mutual understanding based on fact…
This leaves out diatribes, polemics, one-sided rants, etc. – these aren’t discourse in the usual sense, they’re poorly-orchestrated attempts at debate. And formal debate itself is a worthless shell of what it was supposed to be.