As of today, 01-08-2025, at least 126 people have been killed by BRIGHTLINE TRAINS her in Florida. I have suggested 4 safety features to reduce future deaths. (1) Add 24 hour/ 7 days a week real time video cameras like those on I-95 and the Florida Turnpike. (2) Place sensor at every grade crossing like those on garage doors. This sensor would sound an an alarm or flash a light, if something was on the tracks at a grade crossing and send a message to the Train. (3) Add 5ft to 10ft chain link fencing along booth sides of the tracks, from MIAMI to Orlando. This would prevent people or wildlife, like Florida Panthers, from crossing the tracks and being hit and killed by trains. (4) Add overpasses so people can go over the tracks safely, in urban areas. This has used these overpasses in the other areas of the United States.
Who do you expect to pay for these upgrades? Hopefully not the railroad.
Florida gene pool is in need of thinning. Brightline is a minor tool in this effort.
If the State of Florida wants to, at their own expense, they can eliminate road crossings, especially since most road crossings post date the creation of the railroad.
One of the issues with overpasses is that some of the Brightline tracks follow the highway. On the highway side of the tracks, there is not enough room for an overpass or underpass ramp.
I think the most likely first step is to put crossing gates on both lanes of the crossing roads. This past accident with the fire truck would have been prevented if the gate had also been on the left hand side of the road.
I agree that the crossing gates should be on both sides of the street at all grade crossings. Not all grade crossings in St. Lucie County have crossing gates, for example in St. Lucie Village, a town north of FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA.
Brightline wins again
“Authorities are investigating how this crash happened.” Duh watch the video