Train's of Japan

I am not sure if anyone is into Japanese railroads. I currently living in Sasebo City located on the Kyushu island. I spend most of my off time on the week ends hiking along the track side of any of the rails in Japan. Is there any one else out there interested in Japan’s Railway? Please feel free to contact me…


welcome to the forums!!![#welcome]

stick around.some articles of trains have mentioned that some american rails are coming from japan now.if our country would only have a system that have bullet trains from each major city to another like yours does.

stay safe


I haven’t had the pleasure of visiting Japan but I’m impressed by what I’ve seen of their railways on television programs. And I agree with Joe that it would be great if we had the kind of high speed service that the Japanese have. It is my believe that the Japanese are a collectivistic culture where things are accomplished for the common good. Dependable high speed rail transportation is something they consider important for the good of their nation. Here, we are a individualistic culture where everything must generate the greatest revenue and profit or its not considered worthwhile. Benefitting the common good is secondary. Having said all that, I’ll step down off my milk crate and welcome you to the forum! Do you get to ride the rail system any? If so, write about it and post it on the forum, it would be of interest to hear from someone who can tell the other forum members of an entirely different rail system other than our own. Do you meet any Japanese rail fans? What do they think of railfanning in Japan?

See you trackside,

G Mack

Wow it is great to talk about Japanese railroads! I had the privilege to spend a week traveling west of Tokyo all by train. JR is the most fluid, punctual transportation system I have ever experienced (I have also traveled extensively in Europe by train, which is very nice too)

The scene that made the biggest impression for me whilst in Japan was the day I was waiting for an express to Hiroshima. The station platforms were on a 4-track curve. The two in the center were obviously for limiteds and were super-elevated at what had to be 30°! I had a clear view down one of the straight-aways and saw distant headlights approaching. I kid you not when I say I looked down at my watch and back up, and in that instant the Shinkansen was upon me. It wooshed through that curve at some ungodly speed and was gone as quick as it appeared

Later that week I rode one of the newest Shinkansens from Fukuoka to Osaka in 1st class. At 300kph, every small rise in the track sent your stomach a-flutter as if you were on a roller coaster. Tunnels and meets with other trains made your eardrums pop and you could see the windows bow in from the air pressure. Yet it was so quiet and smooth onboard… If you’ve ever wanted to experience low-altitude flying, JR is the way to go!

The Japanes railways are very interesting. I know little of it exept what is highly publisized. It sure does show that there are other ways to railroad then the way it is done in North America.

I am glad to get a few reply’s back. And thanks for welcoming me to the forum. I have been in and out of Japan for the past 9 years now. I started from The Tokyo area in 95. Being from the back woods of Tennessee, I was about to have a heart attack traveling downtown Tokyo by train during rush hour. Very hard to cramming yourself into the cars with a few thousands other folks. What a wake up, that was. I beleive that if we had a system in the US like Japan has, it be a lot more easy to get around. I manage to save a lot of money here just be traveling by rail.

In Japan, the trains operate very smoothly and on time, except for the typhoons and earthquak’s. I had been on a local train last year near Fukuoka when an earthquake hit. We got stuck and had to change over to bus’s to get back home. I did not mind about the entire situation. Over all their system is pretty safe, except for the crash near Kobe last year. The drivers are punished if they are late on their routes. I rather for them to be late, then being wrapped around a building.


For Your question G Mack. I am sure that You would love it here. I ride the system almost day to day. On Honshu or the main land Japan, There are many systems to chose from. My favorites are the Hakone Line. This line runs from Shinjuku area to Odarawa. You have the rapid express on this line. Great for a day trip. Another line is the Hohi line from Kumumoto to Mt Aso. It has a few switch backs on this system. And You get a chance to visit a active volcano. I spent the past few years taken photos of different types of trains while on my travels. Please feel free to visit the web site if You like to see them. I have a few from the US, South Korea and Hong Kong in it as well.


You have some interesting photos! Its good to see how other countries do railroading. It goes to show that ,sadly, we here in the U.S. are way behind in public transportation, especially rail.

I have to agree with you, I would probably love it in Japan. It is a place that has always intrigued me and is high on my list of places to see.

Keep in touch on the forum. As I said before, it is interesting to hear from those who get to experince the rail systems and cultures of other nations.

G Mack