
I need advice on how to make a trolley run back and forth in a display case. I’ve only got about 18’’ to 20’’ to work with. What materials do I need and about how much would it cost me.

You can buy a set from Bachmann, go to and search on Trolley - some are reversing, some aren’t.



The Walthers December Sale Catalog (which arrived in my mail today) has the Bachmann HO automatic-reverse trolley on sale for $109.98 plus S&H. It could be assembled in the space you described, or in a longer format. There are two variations, both complete sets:

  1. Main Street (conventional paint job,) 160-401
  2. Christmas (holiday decorated car,) 160-402

Call 1-800-4TRAINS or go on line at to order.

Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)

Thanks for the info. I appreciate the assistance.

Many HO scale trolleys can run on track as narrow as 6-8" radius–have you considered simply making a loop?

I may end up having to do a loop, it will take away room for the other items in the display case is my concern. I would just like to have some movement in the case instead of a static display. I really appreciate all of your responses to my problem. I’m hoping that my wife will be understanding and let me purchase the trolley track. If not, I’ll just do the loop and put less items in the display case.