Truck and coupler screws

hey where an I get the screws for the coupler and the trucks in bulk Home Depot mabey? Also where can i get some prototypical info on trucks ??? Joseph

Truck and bolster screws are generally # 2-56
Coupler screws are generally .080, .072, .090.
They come in 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 5/8, and 3/4" lengths

You want to buy boxes of 50 each??

sure Thnaks for the info… Joseph

you can use the 2-56 screws for the kadee coupler mounts also…I use the threaded type for the trucks but use the wood screw type for the couplers…I get them from ace hardware but i have to special order them from them…home depot or lowes doesn’t carry screws that small but sometimes you can find them at those mom and pop hardware stores…prototype trucks are available at …some of the best are atlas, kato, and intermountain…to find information on trucks the best thing to do is a search on any railroad site …there are tons of information on just about every era railroad and roadname on the net …once you see what you want, cross reference it to the stores that sell trucks…I run modern day trucks so the bettendorf or the barber s-2 roller bearing truck is what i use…chuck

If you need 2-56 screws in a hurry, your best bet is the hobby shop. They sell them in packages of a dozen or so. Kadee couplings often include the screws.
(You are talking HO?)
I managed to find a hardware store with small screws and bought a box of 100 2-56 bolts and nuts. That was 30 years ago; the hardware store is gone and I’m now down to my last few bolts.

somewhere out there are specialty suppliers that produce anything you might imagine.

rather than look them up and order the minimum; i go over to the airplane section of the hobby store and pick up small packs of 10 or 12.

Try Micro Fasteners. They have MRR size screws and such 00-90 and up in both US and metric and the prices are in the nieghborhood of $5 per 100.

Home Depot doesn’t carry anything that small but Ace Hardware might if you have one in your neighborhood. I’ve been able to find 2/56 machine bolts, washers, and nuts at our local Ace in the past, but eventually bought a bulk pack of each, plus some other types I needed, from microfasteners, as mentioned by jimrice4449, above.


I do get mine at my neighborhood Ace. The guy who stocks that section is a MRR. I asked him one day if he had any 2-56 screws and he looked at me and asked, “Is this for MRRing?” He told me he stock them JUST for that purpose.


Radio Shack also stocks 2-56 screws. They’re usually near the electronic parts aisle. The only thing that bugs me about their selection…is that they come in various sizes in the same pack…and I seem to use up all the shorter ones quickly. No big deal though; I just cut down the longer ones.

I buy them in bulk over the Internet - Real fast service, and a lot cheaper than at the hobby shop…


McFadden-Dale Industrial Hardware, if you live in SoCal, Las Vegas or the Valley of the Sun. I’m sure that Baltimore has similar firms.

Hey Jim, that web site is great but I am lost trying to find the right place to go. can you help Joe

I found them at in Rhode Island. They also have chassis-mount 5-pin DIN connectors for my Lenz DCC control bus. Of course, there’s the usual assortment of wires, switches, panel lights, etc.