My turtle decided to escape,it’s to funny . my layout looks like something , from the old creature double feature movie. He climbed over some rock walls that I had ,slid down the roof of one of my houses and decided to go for a walk threw town. . Well then he decided he didn’t like a few of the tree’s that he had , so he pushed them out of his way , funny part was watching him try it again,Icould not belive how he did this. He stands straight up uses his neck and pulls himself up the wall,legs moving a mile a minute.lucky there is no major damage ,just a few days of work .
Next time turtle soup ,Just kidden this is his town[8D]


I love your website! Great shots of your turtle habitat /model railroad/ village. Did you get any pics of the “turtle rampage?”

Maybe you could keep him in line by putting a sign in front of a cafe or restautrant advertising the special of the day as turtle soup. Might give him second thoughts!

No pictures dont have the digital camera anymore , but I dont think this will be the last time so next time I will post the pictures, it’s a must see[8D]

gotta have pictures. that would be classic! what is the good monster from the japanese monster flicks that looks like a turtle? he could be it on your layout!

There are times I wish I had a camera. We got a new cat last year. Before we got him fixed, he attacked a Williams SD-45 I had running around the XMAS tree and tried to make kittens with it.

What’s the turtle’s name? Gamera? (This is the giant prehistoric mutant turtle from the awful Japanese movies, a la Godzilla)


If I ever get a monster for my **** Ant Pike I’m gonna name it…Feagles…which is an acronym for:

…won’t be much left of my train stuff!


next time I will add the special effects ,just like the movies.have the little homies speeking off key chinece running around yelling gamera,gamera run for your life [(-D]

Don’t worry, Birdzilla with save the day


Turtles are not afraid of heights; I had a box turtle that walked off the 2nd story balcony; survived the fall with just a cut. Like your layout, scratch.
