I recently installed a Digitrax DH165AO decoder into an Atlas GP38. The engine had one of those Atlas dual mode decoders in it and it would make a buzzing sound whenever I would run it, I got annoyed with it and decided to replace it. After I installed the Digitrax decoder I decided to replace the bulbs that came with the engine with LEDs. I hooked up all the wiring correctly, the engine would move back and forth, but the lights wouldn’t turn on. The manual refers to a Lighting ADJ option that requires cutting a > looking thing from the circuit board. It says that doing so will increase the milliamps from 15 to about 30. Does that mean that the forward and reverse lights will be getting full track voltage instead of the regulated 1.5 volts? I just need to double check so that I can add resistors to the LED’s.
I installed a Digitrax DH165IP in my BLI AC6000, works great and all but it seems like a dang shame to waste 6 FX3 functions. I’m considering buying a TCS-DP2X decoder since it only has 2 FX3 functions to waste. Before I invest in a new decoder, does anyone make a decoder that only controls the motor?
If the instructions say to clip off the resistor or make a cut to increase the milliamprage, then go ahead and follow the instructions. Then I would use a multimeter and see what the light outputs are putting out. From there you can calculate your resistor.
Motor control only decoder? Not really. I recommend that you just find a cheap decoder with BEMF and be done with it.
If you have a switcher or other typa loco that’s tight on space you can try these Z Scale decoders. They’re robust enough to handle most HO equipment. I use some in some Athearn BB locos.
Re-read those instructions, specifically page 6. You don’t need a resistor, except possibly in parallel to reduce the current. By cutting the trace you’re increasing the current, not the voltage. But you shouldn’t have to do that for LED’s. 15ma should work fine. If your LED’s don’t light, you’ve probably installed them backwards. Remember, LED’s are polarity-sensitive.
I have DN143IP’s in all my BLI’s. Personally, a couple “wasted” functions are the last thing I worry about when selecting a decoder. Do you have another loco where you can use the DH165IP
The Atlas dual-modes have 12v outputs for the lights. Factory Atlas LEDs have a resistor inline. Older ones use 12v bulbs. Shouldn’t have to do anything to get it to work, unless the outputs on the Digitrax decoder are 1.5v.
I think I did wire the LEDs backwards. The first time I installed the decoder into the engine I goofed and put it in backwards. I then flipped the decoder and probably then is when I wired the LEDs backwards. You’d think I’d check that first… [D)]
I have a loco in the waiting list that will probably need 5 functions for what I plan to do with it. I should probably wait until then and see if a different decoder is in the market that’ll better suit my needs.
Thanks to all who responded.
I did have the wired backwards. [banghead] The lights work now without having to cut the > thing from the circuit board.