I have just ordered the MRC Prodigy control set . I have 2 engines already equiped with MRC decoders. Do all my decoders have to be MRC? are they all compatible?
you may use most any brand of decoder, though some features on some decoders wont be usable with the Prodigy
Based on NMRA standards, all decoders should be compatible.
I’ve found the Digitrax decoders have the highest amperage ratings and are the most reliable. They also seem to have the most features available and can be found more easily in hobby shops than other brands.
Of the twenty units installed in my N scale locomotives, I’ve only had to replace one due to a malfunction. This was in a brass unit and i caused the problem with over zealous soldering. The drop in units have never been a problem.
If your modelling in HO scale, you have more space to work and all of the newer units are “plug-n-play”.
If you stick with the low end decoders, the MRC system will be fine, but it is not capable of properly accessing all of the features of high end decoders; like special lighting effects and sound.
For example; I would not suggest that you get a Digitrax DH163, but would suggest a DH123.