Unable to insert images into post

Are any other forum members presently having no success inserting images into a reply to a post?

I’m using the [IMG] link from my image on my page on Photobucket’s site, using the “insert image” icon

and following the prompts. The “circular spooked” in-progress indicator just keeps rotating around. I’ve

tried several different images in four attempts to reply to the “show me something…” post.


Well… It is trying to work. Sometimes you just have to give it some time. But then sometimes photobucket’s security settings need to be adjusted to allow public access to your files.

LION always uses the < img src > html tag rather than the BB tag.

LION has nice server. Server is happy now that the maintenance man has removed the cat hair from the air conditioner.


I’ll try a picture and see if I have any problems:

Won’t know until I click “post”, so lets see what happens:


Raw frac sand train. I guess it works!


Well there’s your problem! You don’t use the ‘Insert Image’ icon with the IMG tagged photos. Just paste the IMG code line into the post and leave it at that.

Thanks for the replies to my post. I checked my library security setting - it’s “public”, still stumped.

Looks like another phone call to Kalmbach’s technical support department tomorrow morning. It was their recommendation to use photobucket, and their requirement that I use the [IMG] link address. I guess it’s a good thing I don’t give up easily…


In Photobucket, I click on the link that says “Image Code”. The box next to it turns yellow for a second, and says “Copied”. The image is now copied or pasted. Then I go back to the forum, and where I want to post the picture, I go to the browser tool bar on the top of the page and click on “Edit”, then click on “Paste”. The link to the pictures shows up, and when you click on “post”, the image appears where you want it.



I guess I wasn’t clear enough on my original post when I referenced the “insert image” icon. I was referring to the icon in the “description” box on the forum reply page here on Model Railroader’s page. The procedure I used to capture the [IMG] data is how Megan @ Kalmbach described it to me. There are several addresses assigned to images at photobucket, but the way I understand it, they are not “created equal” and are not interchangeable. Thanks for your help. I tried to reply to the post again, but it still just sat and grinded as before. After nearly 5 minutes for a 500KB file, I saw the writing on the wall.


Trying out an old sample pic:

It’s working for me.

FYI: Will, it’s best if you keep your pics around 100K in size. That’s saves time for both you in uploading them and those viewing them - i.e. loading them onto their screens. The above pic is ~56K; plenty big enough to see reasonable detailing.


And I’ll be equally clear. To post an IMG tagged photo from Photobucket go to Photobucket, locate the photo, click the IMG tag line, come to your post and and click on the line where you want the photo, right click, click paste. The IMG tag line will appear. Click post. The deed is done.

If you wish to to use the ‘Insert Image’ icon you will need the ‘Direct Link’ tag line from Photobucket. Click the ‘Insert Image’ icon and paste in the direct link (no IMG tags on it). I believe that’s what you were trying to do but were using the incorrect tag line.

And, if you choose to use the Insert image icon in the tool bar: Once you paste the photo’s URL in the Link to media text box, a small image of your photo will become visible before you click the Insert button; an indication that you’ve done it correctly.


I guess it works a little different in Firefox 19. I just tried a test. Using the Insert Image tool I pasted a direct link into the Link to Media box. Nothing showed until AFTER I clicked the insert button. Then the photo showed up in the post. Mine run around 195 to 300 kb in size.


I use Firefox 19.0.2 and the way you just described is exactly how it normally worked for me…UNTIL this last time I posted a picture. I was quite surprised when it happened and attributed it to a new/updated feature of the forum rather than Firefox.

And I just ran another image test and the same thing happened - i.e. a small image became visible once I inserted a URL in the Link to media text box and was inserted into my post after I pressed the Insert button and before I clicked the Post button.


Okay…that’s weird. I just updated to Firefox 20, tried the above solution again for adding a pic to a post…and NOW it’s back to the pic only becoming visible after clicking the Insert button. [:S]

In either case - if the pic is visible in your post before clicking the Post button, it will show up in your post on the forum. If it’s not visible before then, then you don’t have the correct URL for your pic that you want to post.


I wanted to thank all the forum members who replied to my request for help with this issue. I keep forgetting to think that maybe the easy and obvious way would probably work just fine. Copy and paste was just too obvious. I’ve also learned that the image file size shouldn’t be a factor, as the image is stored (hosted) on a site like photobucket, and we are just “linking” to it, not moving all those KBs around.


No, if we see the picture, then we are moving all of those KBs around. If I can see the picture, I am moving KBs.

LION hosts his pictures on his own computer network, but not on an external server, so it is limited by the amount of upload KBs that our network connection is limited to. That said, I have never heard of anybody complaining about my download speeds. Still, I do dumb them down before I put them on the servers.



Thanks for the clarification on the KBs. There is always something new for me to learn. When you mentioned that you “dumb them down before I put them on the servers”, what are you referring to?


He probably does the same thing I do and reduces them in size so they take up less space.

Yes, I use a free product called “Image Resizer” (just google it!)

It loads as a part of the operating system (sort of).

Right click on any image and select “Resize” and it will make a new copy of the photo in a smaller format.