Union Pacific 1988 on Donner Pass

The 1988 was leading a stack train from Chicago to Oakland and crossed Donner on Sunday, 6/10/2012.



Very Nice!

Nice series, CZ, and a nice catch to boot. [8D]


Is she in Oakland now? Anyone know if she will be loitering in Roseville at all?


Thanks. It was a great day and I was taking video also, but it is HD or whatever and it would have to be compressed to upload it.

I hope to get it on the way back tomorrow late in the day for a nice sunset shot. It is scheduled to go back east tomorrow if I read the post correctly.


No rest for the weary. It is going east tomorrow according to a post by a friend.


Thanks. These pictures were taken with the new Conon 5D and most of those are close to 20 mbytes so what you see if compressed many times.

The crew yesterday probably recognized me as one of the normal crazy people chasing their train as they gave us several whistle calls when they rolled by. It is nice to have good crews and friendly ones. We were asked one day last year during the crew change at Roseville where they could see the photos after we chased the 1989 to Roseville from Yuba Gap. Most of the UP people seem fairly friendly to us who follow rules and do not get in their way.

The 844 is coming here again in September so guess where I will be???