Union representing London, Ont., Electro-Motive workers asks for federal help

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Union representing London, Ont., Electro-Motive workers asks for federal help

Wait till the company has to comply with Canadian law in closing a plant down

The workers are now locked out after the company demanded a 50% cut in workers’ pay. Even the least militant union isn’t going to accept such a demand from a corporation clearly intent on increasing their profits.

Canada has only itself to blame. That plant was put in London due to Canadian protectionism and much later on GM decided to put all locomotive production there for reasons never revealed. (Thanks to the NAFTA.) If Canada now is less-than-hospitable to the new EMD, and the production heads back to the US, that’s the way it goes. (Also thanks to the NAFTA.) Cry me a river.

I think the union had better shut up and work as I see it, it only takes a stroke of a pen to move production these days and there is lots of track side factories in right to work states that are available. The Canadian’s can only stop this with being nice to Cat not pushy or they will bolt.

Ditto’s with Mr. Moore!

That’s the way caterpillar plays it’s dirty game. Look a few years back at what they did in Peorioa, IL (sp) Get used to it.

This is a good example of union workers who still live in the 1950-1980 era. Better to have 85% of a loaf when you are hungry than no loaf at all. When will union workers learn that their day in the sun has long past.

I am not sure if the article talks about completely shutting down former EMDs production in Canada. The two US locations mentioned, IN and KY, if I understood right manufacture Diesel Engines for CAT. The electric Drive, I think is imported from Japan. I am not sure if CAT has a facility in the US to integrate.

Over 90% of the American people find jobs, negotiate their salaries with employers, and work out their own professional problems without the intervention of a collectivist union. Unions raise the cost of goods and services by demanding wages and benefits above what the market will bear. The consumers pay for all of this. It’s hard for a company to release mediocre workers when a powerful union is involved. Foreign competitors often gain the upper hand over domestic manufacturers because the quality of goods produced suffers with a watered down work force. The best laborers suffer because they cannot command the salaries and perks for high performance they deserve because businesses have to give inflated wages to mediocre employees. Caterpillar is in business to make a profit not to cater to the whims of overbearing union employees.

Typical socialist country reaction by the union is to get the government This tactic should be no surprise to anyone.