United States of America, Planet Auran, TrainzSimulator2004, 100,000+Members, Where are You?

Anemic responses aside, Why does a Nation, half a world away, kick our asses, at IT technology? I got my TRS2004, for (usd)$33.95. I’m using Seaboard Coast Line, and CSX Fallen Flag engines, to do the work God intended they do! Hello? And…So…Backyard, ACJ.

Thanks to John P. Keenan, I’m now in charge of a CSX U30C, SD40-2 lashup, with sixteen CSX Bethgons, most of 'em gray, with yellow styling, bordered in black pinstripe, hauling from the Bartlic Tipple, to Dante, Virginia on the Clinchfield Railway. World class railroading, if I say so myself! Enjoy Your Hobby! ACJ.

Well for one thing, you make it a simplified sim, you can get away with a lot. Maybe one day you can get trainz to be more realistic and have more real activites.

Here’s a link, for updates on the SP-3 for Auran Trainz TRS 2004 using Raildriver. http://www.raildriver.com/rdfree/tsnews.php